Am I the only one using Anki this way to get like 30-40 new cards a day without any problems?

So im basically studying Japanese using a premade vocab deck with over 6k words (Core 2k/6k). Before i go to sleep i set the new cards a day to 0. Then the next day i do my reviews and once i am done i set the new cards to 8. This way i only have to focus on the new cards. Then i maybe take a half hour break and double the new cards to 16 so that i get 8 more new cards. And then repeat that two more times and then once i am done i go sleep and repeat.

Am i the only one doing this cause this seems like a cheatcode. It makes learning vocab so easy.
Getting in 50 new cards in one day takes less than an hour and its not that hard as i use anki as a gapfiller.

  1. You might want to install the Anki simulator and see what 50 new cards/day will do to your reviews in the long run: [](

    Make sure you adjust your “correct rate” down in the simulator, since it drops for most people after a while.

  2. How many days have you been doing this? If it’s less than a month, the 40 new cards per day likely haven’t caught up yet to your total review number.

  3. I basically do the same (reviews first and then new cards in small batches) except I learn 30 new cards per day.

    As others already mentioned, you are going to get way more reviews eventually, so continuing 50 cards/day will be more time-consuming.

  4. yeah it will probs stack up to 600 reviews a day but it will slow down in june due to a lot of the cards maturing. But once i get to 600 reviews a day ill probs just lower the new cards.

  5. I prefer to do all new cards first, just so I know what I don’t need to worry about getting right, then it’s just like reviewing without any new.

    I think 40 is possible, I have done that high for an extended period of time and managed to keep my time below 30 minutes. You just need to be super fast at reviews and have retention around 90%. I was getting over 600-700 reps per day but average time being around 2-2.5 seconds and it’s no problem.

  6. I do the thing where I intensely study the new cards, though I just keep a separate list out of anki.

    I don’t do the thing where you are adding 30-40 cards a day, for me, that will add up way too fast. But some people do go really all-out on anki.

  7. My advice, grind this deck hard asf, finish it, and then switch fully to native material with yomichan and ankiconnect. Maybe try a dictionary like 新和英(wayyy better than the one uses) for j-e and 旺文社 for j-j.

  8. I do 40 new cards a day and 100 reviews using the tango deck my reading has improved a lot once I do the 6 decks I will focus on reading and stop using anki

  9. I used to do the same but then you do 40 new cards a day and in 2 weeks you have 300 reviews a day lmao.

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