Does any other foreigner continually feel lonely in japan?

I’ve just arrived back and immediately the feeling of loneliness hit me – such a populous country and yet I feel isolated even with lots of friends.

Send me a DM if you fancy a chat

  1. I have good friendships, a family, and social outlets here so that side of things is fine.

    I think lately those types of feelings come from “grieving” relationships I had with people back in my home country. We don’t keep in touch as much as we used to. I don’t blame anyone, that’s just the way life tends to go as we get older – even without the international distance excuse. We still meet up and enjoy ourselves if I’m visiting, but it’s…different now. Thinking about that can make me feel lonely sometimes.

    What exactly do you think is making you feel so lonely despite having lots of friends? Is it something you have control over and can change in some way?

  2. After 10 years consecutive living in Japan I fell lonely.
    I can speak fluent japanese but I am introvert and stutter.

  3. I have a Japanese spouse, two dogs, and I’m a member of a local temple, so I always have plenty of companionship.

  4. Definitely feel the same way, as I’ve mostly befriended other foreigners who inevitably move away. That coupled with the fact that my friends from back home are bad about staying in touch and responding to my messages means I have really no one to talk to besides my wife.

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