How Does Pitch Accent Work For Things Pike Desu and Da?

I see in the dictionary that da is high while desu is high low. So if I have a heiban noun than does desu stay in that form or just go high high. What about if it is a 中高? And the last particle of the noun is high, does d3su and da immediately turn to low? I ask because I know other particles follow this rule. But things like da and desu aren’t exactly those. And because I saw a rule on kashudo that if the last mora of a noun is high than the first mora of desu is high but then goes down. like for 学生 which is heiban

  1. I haven’t learned the Pitch accents because I’m a native Japanese, but I’ve watched some videos about pitch accents by Dogen.

    I think Sakura/桜/さくら(cherry blossoms) is heiban/へいばん or hiraita/ひらいた noun.

         れは        くら  → です。

      ↗     ↘   ↗

    こ        さ

    These are cherry blossoms.

    I think Okashi/お菓子/おかし(candy/sweets) is 中高/なかだか noun.

        れは      か

      ↗     ↘  ↗    ↘

    こ        お         し → です。

    This is candy/These are sweets.

  2. 〜だ

    If it follows a word with a down-step it attaches low. Folloing a heiban word, it attaches high.


    For words with a down-step, it attaches low. E.g. 秋です (あ↓きです)

    For heiban words the で attaches high, but the す is low. E.g. 学生で↓す (がくせいで↓す)

    For odaka words です attaches low.

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