Applying for PR route

Hello all.

Sorry if anything has been already answered, I tried the wiki but couldn’t find anything to answer my question.

I’m looking at eventually gaining PR residence. I’m currently on a Engineer / Specialist in humanities visa that runs out this October. I checked the points table and currently hit the 70 point mark (as of my salary bump 3 months ago) via the following:

Holder of a bachelor’s degree = 10
Professional Career (Practical Experience) 8 years = 15
Annual Salary = 35
Between 30 and 34 years of age (33 currently) = 10

1. I understood the requirements as having to hold the 70 points for three years and then apply for PR. During that period I would have lost 5 points due to turning 35 years old. But in the same time would have gained 5 points from the years of experience. Does this effect the application?

2.Should I change to a HSP visa now so that’s its easier to prove my 70 points when applying for PR in three years time. Change of age won’t matter?

3.Can I apply for the HSP visa my self or does my employer have to do it for me?

4.I have certificates from my previous employees as proof of employment up to 6 years ago. I am missing 1 year proof (in order to get 7 years points) since that company has long gone and I won’t be able to contact that to give me a certificate. Would this void my points? I could try find a dated salary slip if that counts as proof?

I guess if possible, it might be better to not get a HSP and just wait three years to apply for a PR.

Thanks for your help.

  1. If you’re eligible for the HSP1(a,b,c) visa now and can see yourself remaining with your current employer for at least 3 years, then get on it. This is because after 3 years on HSP1 you can upgrade to HSP2, which is a pretty decent table 1 status of residency.

    Then of course if you can get PR before the 3 years for HSP2 then all good, but it gives you more options, which you would not get by remaining on the “humanities” visa.

  2. 1,2: If you apply for HSP now, it would be better, because after 3 years, theoretically you shouldn’t need to prove anything because you have held the visa for 3 years already. But I’ve also heard from a lawyer that it is better if you can prove that you will continue to hold the same minimum number of points for the current year, while the PR is in application, and that would take between 6-12 months.

    3. You can apply for the HSP visa yourself, it’s pretty straightforward, nothing like PR. You may want to include a few self-written documents like reason of application, an index of sort to prove your points vs documents included, a document from your employer suggesting “why” they need you to work as a “Highly Skilled Professional” (just get them to include lots of technical words).

    4. I think “experience letter” is the most relevant document with start and end dates, better if you have a joining/offer letter and relieving letter. There’s no standard format, but as long as there is some stamp/letter head of the company, it should be good. If you can’t arrange any of it, I can’t be sure, but I’d suggest you count the experience and show the salary slips if you could. Also note, that they want “relevant” experience, so if you are in IT, you’d need to prove that.

  3. They OP, I think your 1st question is very similar to Q11 in this link. For your 4th question I think you should check out Application Documents – Professional Career section here

    Tldr: Q1 should be no problem for as long as you keep up your 70points. Q4 you might be out of luck for that 1 year, as you need proof of employment with your job description from your employer (required as this is the only way you can prove the duration of your career)

  4. I am really not sure about this, but at the time you apply for PR, you need to submit point calculation sheet plus supporting documents along with other documents required for PR.

    So my guess it wouldnt be a problem if you can prove your 70 points (edit; whatever the point combination is) at the time of PR application.

    edit: above is regarding 1.2. I’d say it does not matter. & 3. you should apply yourself.

    4. No idea.

    Source; I got PR through HSP with 80 points, and was asked to submit point calculation sheet and all supporting documents too.

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