JLPTN5 experience

For what is worth for people planning to take it, I failed by very little this past December, I always thought Listening was going to be my weakest part and I passed it, what killed me was reading, I know my kanas back and forth and the basic kanjis, but I do not read fast enough for test. The paragraphs were longer than I expected and I ended up not being able to do about 30% of the questions on that section. Scores: language knowledge 46/120, listening 25/60 total score 71/180 ( need 80 to pass ), Vocabulary B, Grammar B, Reading C

  1. Bad luck. I took mine a few years ago and did a timed practice test in advance and was astounded how fast I needed to work. Especially as I’d waited until I was halfway through the N4 textbook to take the N5 (because it’s so expensive in the UK that I wanted to make sure I’d pass!) so in theory it should have been relatively easy for me. Well done on your listening score though!

  2. yep it happens, i failed the N2 by 5 points once. sucks. i don’t mean to diminish, but all there is for it is to continue and do better next time. close failures hurt, i know.

  3. This may hurt – but you did not know the vocab or the readings that well. You failed because of that – not because of time. Considering you need at least a 19/60 to pass the individual sections, that’s roughly 1/3 correct. Blindly choosing answers to those questions you did not have time for likely would have made you pass…. The test gives ample time if you were proficient with the N5 material. Did you take a mock before this?

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