Shinsotsu job postponing?

I am currently a fourth year in uni and i was about to graduate; however, due to a personal emergency i was unable to get a passing grade in a class that was necessary to graduate. As such, i will mow be graduating in September, instead.

What are the chances that I’d be able to reschedule starting work at a company by 6 months or 1 year? I’ll be in touch with them next week, but I just wanted to ask if anyone here had any insight into this kind of thing. I decidedly do not want to do shukatsu again as it was soul crushing.

Thanks in advance.

Ps. Please be kind. I’m emotionally in a real bad place right now as it is.

  1. Sorry to hear about your personal situation. I hope everything works out.

    As for the hiring, you’ll simply have to contact the company. They’ll likely have a policy. In my opinion, I think your chances of receiving an extension are proportional to how much in need of you the company is.

  2. Lot of big companies have 9月入社 for people who graduate after march. Especially the folks coming back from study abroad etc. no big deal, you just need to find big enough companies that hire enough to do a start date in September

  3. Lot of big companies have 9月入社 for people who graduate after march. Especially the folks coming back from study abroad etc. no big deal, you just need to find big enough companies that hire enough to do a start date in September

  4. It depends on the company, but from what I’ve heard, it is quite likely they will rescind your offer, especially if it is a domestic Japanese company.

  5. I’d also talk to your university, you no doubt talked to advisors and stuff during the job search activities they should have been arranging. They can probably give you some advice.

    Companies hiring shin-sotsu in September are not that uncommon.

  6. You can do two things.

    1. Consult with your university advisors and professors for any chance you could retake the test or resubmit assignment to get the credit. You need to tell them you already have naitei and can’t afford to loose it. It will not look good for the university if their student got their naitei rescinded because the company might not willing to hire that university’s student and it will taint its brand image. The university might help you here.

    2. Tell the company as soon as possible, but preferably after you do the above so you know your position. If the university will not help you, then you just have to tell the company. They might or might not wait for 6 months. If they don’t, you’ll need to redo shuukatsu again, no other way sorry.

  7. Your only option is to ask your company, but most will not be willing to postpone for six months. I say this as both a former recruiter and also as an applicant who, when asked to delay joining by one month, was told: “Sure! No problem. As long as it’s nothing excessive like six months.”

    >I decidedly do not want to do shukatsu again as it was soul crushing.

    Unfortunately, you will likely need to search for a new job.

    No one likes doing it, but that’s life.

  8. I help with recruiting at my large japanese company and we rescind offers if this happens, which happens to several people every year. Not a big deal, just apply again to enter next spring instead. Or go to a company with september entrance.

  9. I postponed mine by 6 month, emailed my direct supervisor about the issue and informed HR about it. Didn’t have any problems.

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