Lawson Ticket app help?

I bought tickets for an event later this month, and it’s digital-only, meaning that I can only access the actual ticket through the app. Unfortunately I can’t seem to log in to the app (I’m using the Android version): when I try to do the SMS verification it says that it can’t do it, even though I’ve verified the number on my PC, and I know it’s the right number (it’s a JP number). A lot of people have told me that emailing the help address will get you in but I can’t seem to find where on the site I can do that (the one help page I could find seems to assume you need help with buying tickets, but I’ve already done that with no issue). Is there something I’m missing?

  1. this app is from lawson ? you could go to konbini to ask help. btw i dont trust this digital apps where you need to give all your personnal info. you can buy a print ticket directly using a kiosk in the konbini. that s quite easy and 100 anonymous

  2. I know it sounds really odd but I had sms verification start working when switching to a different network or a vpn for whatever reason.

  3. Was it for ローチケ tickets? When I have won their lottery, I have received an email giving directions for how to go to the store and pay/pick up the tickets.

    Don’t turn the lawson workers into tech support for the app, but, if it was ローチケ to let’s, they have the machines there to print out the tickets and can support that.

  4. Do you mean the Loppi terminal?

    If so, simply pick up the phone attached to the terminal.
    You can speak with a live technician therefrom.

  5. Do you have Rakuten mobile or anyone low-cost carrier?

    I’ll just leave this here (copy-paste) from a previous comment I once left, on the off chance it’s the same problem I had.

    After the SNS authentication fails, it’ll suggest doing a telephone authentication. It’ll then try calling a complicated number, OOO-OOO-OOO,,,XXXX and fail. What you want do to is, as quickly as possibly, manually call the number (basically the part before the “,,,”), then manually enter the XXXX. You then have to write down the pin it gives you, go back into the app and input the pin (or something similar). Overly complicated but it might get it working.

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