Weekly Weekend Thread – 27 February 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Took my 8yr old son to his first karate lesson!

    We had made an appointment for a trial lesson. He was excited until we walked in the door. Got shy and started finding a place to hide in the lobby. The instructor saw this and sent some of his students over to invite my son to join. My
    son reluctantly walked on the mat and had fun with the one hour class.

    Still shopping around but might join in April!

  2. Dropped off my spouse visa extension at the Chiba office. Took a good deal longer than expected but the staff themselves were nice. Turns out I forgot to bring the 納税証明書 and they want me to bring it in when the postcard arrives.

    Spent the rest of the weekend sick as a dog, laying in bed since I finally got whatever my daughter and wife had.

  3. Sunday Icebucks Vs Cranes was an insane game of hockey. Drama, fights, penalties.

    Bucks had clown shoes puck handling that made it more of a nail biter than it had any right to be. Could have easily gone to overtime, but Cranes coach made a baffling call to go all in with a minute left, when most of the ice time 5v5 with goalies was spent by the buck’s net. Both teams overall had trouble scoring without penalties but goddamn the opening aggression of the bucks in period 1, and then the knockdown dragout slugfest that happened when tensions flared up made for some quality fucking hockey.

  4. Spent most of the weekend playing Kirby. Also went to an Indian restaurant for lunch with my husband yesterday.

  5. Payed Airsoft this weekend. Its normally a great time. Tbh, it still was, except one part.

    Now, I don’t wear a hat or helmet because the googles get foggy, but I had to stop playing because I was shot in the head. Twice. Once was from like 20 meters away, it was fine. small bump, its cool. the second time, the player came up to me, about 1 meter away, and shot me in the forehead. I was so mad. not because I was shot in the head, but because the player was so close, and it was dead center of my forehead. the player had to *aim up* to hit me like that. The other people say that he didn’t do it on purpose, but dang! like, that close, aim for the body! ya know? gah!

    Everything else about the weekend was chill. Great times, cleaned my house, went clothes shopping. it was a great time!

  6. Ant-Man and yakiniku date night with the wife on Saturday, D&D with the guys on Sunday. Lots of Hogwarts Legacy sprinkled in here and there. Great weekend overall.

  7. Took Friday off for the 4 days weekend. Snowboarding in Yuzawa on Thursday and Friday with a stay in a fancier-than-expected ryokan in between. First time boarding in a couple years so a bit sore, but it was fun and the weather cooperated.

    Saturday, went to see Antman and then went to dinner with some friends, then fought through my sleepiness to watch the Arsenal game at midnight.

    Mostly just took it easy yesterday. Wife was craving mcdonalds fries for lunch, then a bit of shopping.

    Not at all mentally prepared to be working today.

  8. Friday, took husband and baby to Golden Gai to say goodbye to a bartender good friend of mine leaving his job after seven years. For some stares for having a baby around in kabukicho after 9pm but…

    Saturday went to ikea to purchase floor bed for baby and I, as he is mobile af now and I keep thinking he’s about to roll off the bed. Also love Ikea lunches.

    Sunday, we took baby to grandberry park and used the little swing set. He was definitely the youngest baby in the line up, but had so much fun. Overall, super nice family oriented weekend, with great weather.

  9. Went to Gotemba Premium Outlet for the first time. Would have been nice to go to Sawayaka but that was a 6 hour wait before I even arrived! Anyway had some good grub elsewhere, as outlet malls go this is definitely nicer than any others I’ve been to. Then got shafted on the Tomei coming home because of several rear-end collisions.

  10. Met with our wedding planner Saturday. After a momzilla attack not too long ago, it’s good to be back on track. Although our to-do list keeps growing and growing and we’re definitely feeling a bit of pressure.

    Ran my first marathon Sunday (finished ~5:17). I guess this is my punishiment for marrying into a family that helps coach Japan’s olympic running team.

    Wanted to get my final project for my second-to-last course of my Master’s program out of the way, but unfortunately couldn’t get around to it so looks like that’s what I’m working on today. Hopefully once it’s done, a huge weight will be off my shoulders.

  11. Started the process to adopt a dog from ARK Tokyo. A beautiful young golden retriever who I’m planning to enjoy the local hiking trails with. The only time in my life I haven’t had a dog was the four or so years I’ve been here in Japan. So excited.

    If you ever are looking to adopt please consider ARK Tokyo or ARK Kansai. They are true heros and their staff are all wonderful.

  12. Nothing good lol. Bought a car for my wife last year (June 2022) new hybrid with delivery date for June 2023. They called me to say that it will take more time … maybe end of 2023… maybe.. is that difficult to make hybrid batteries? I check other cars and all hybrids say more than 1 year or order stopped , only the new Prius take 2 months.

  13. I acquired a bit of vintage jewelry from an aunt who just passed, and one of the gold cocktail rings I really like was quite damaged. took it in to a trustworthy jewelry store to see about repairing it, and they quoted me 40k… but I intend on wearing it for a good long while to honor my fashionista aunt’s memory, so I sucked it up and went ahead with it.

    my mother also pestered me into making banana bread (aren’t we well past that particular period of the pandemic??), so I chucked some frozen blueberries into it, and naturally it turned a weird blue-gray. but it’s edible at least!

  14. My daughter had her first cookie making experience. Bought some cutters and she cut out the cookies. Not a single smile the whole time. Watched intently as mum showed her how it was done and then when it came to her turn she was locked in like she was doing surgery or something. But she had a great time and I can’t wait until we do it again.

  15. Saturday I had three dates lined up. The first woman canceled, the second was fine, and the third was also…fine. I guess there’s the most potential with the third, but she might also be an alcoholic, so there’s that.

    Sunday I had a client…out in Saitama. A 90-minute trip from where I live. So that ended up being my Sunday. On the way home I wanted to eat yakiniku, and have come to learn/realize that there is no good yakiniku tabehoudai close to where I live. I cannot describe how disappointing this is.

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