Relief for hay fever

Since last week I’ve been struggling with hay fever which seems to have come earlier this year. Eyes constantly itching and in pain, sneezing fits resulting in dizziness and sore joints. It has been hell, have been to the clinic and got medication and eye drops, but those are not really working. Was thinking of buying Sharp ion plasmacluster as those seem to be advertised a lot around this time of year. Has anyone used one of them and does it help reduce hay fever symptoms in the house? Tried looking online for reviews but couldn’t find any real use impressions, just advertisement “reviews” with affiliated amazon links. Also are there are any other recommendations for tablets or eye drops that work?

  1. I have really bad hayfever as well. I typically get デザレックス5mg from the doctor every year, which works for me.

    As for Sharp air purifiers, I have one in each room of my apartment. I don’t have really bad symptoms indoors, but I am not sure if that’s because of the air purifiers or just because I have the windows closed so not much pollen getting in in the first place.

  2. I’m getting the immunotherapy treatment (shidakyua) and it’s working wonders. Something to consider for anyone who’s really suffering. It’s just one tab a day under the tongue for a couple years, but I’m seeing results after just a few months.

  3. Mine started yesterday! Sugi trees started releasing in kanto and the strong wind blowing it i guess.

  4. I think I’m an unfortunate expert on this. I’ve tried literally everything that my local allergy/ENT offers. There are three things aside from antihistamines available.

    First, lasers. Not joking. Laser nasal ablation. They numb the inside of your nose and go in and scorch the parts of your nose that react to allergens with lasers. That day and the next are mildly uncomfortable, but not bad. The effect is supposed to last around two years.

    Second, steroid shots. At my worst, I had gone about a month without being able to breathe through my nose. I went to a doctor, he gave me a steroid shot, and literally minutes later I felt like super man.

    Third, surgery. I just found this out last Friday. They can go in and surgically remove the part of your nose that reacts to allergens.
    I’m going in for surgery on April 27th to have a polyp removed from my left sinus, correct my deviated septum that goes into my right sinus, and remove the said portion of my nose to boot.

    As Tokyo2Saitama mentioned, also been doing Cedar Cure for years, but that is specifically for building up a resistance to cedar/sugi. You should get an allergen test to see what your allergies actually are. It’s just a blood test. I’m basically allergic to everything…

    Regarding Cedar Cure and the nose lasers, my doctor has always advised starting treatments before symptoms begin. She actually insists on this for regular allergy medicine as well. So, nose lasers, cedar cure, and daily allergy medicine starting in January and then just continuing forever, I suppose.

    Also, if it helps, you can get a Costco-size bottle of generic Benadryl on eBay very cheaply. I’ve bought several over the years and never had a problem with customs or shipping or anything.

    Some over-the-counter options in Japan are anti-allergen face sprays, and… I may be wrong about this one, but I have a memory of using a nose gel.
    Natural remedies – spicy food, wasabi, and mint.

    Good luck. I really mean it. This shit is miserable.

  5. Besides the technological and medical treatments, make sure that you do simple things like wash your hair when you come home. If you live with others, have them do so as well.

    Fortunately I don’t have any allergy problems, but my partner does. Having me wash my hair every time I come home has helped alleviate their discomfort at home

  6. Go to your doctor, they’ll give you a very effective 12h antihistamine for a month. It will cost less than anything you can get OTC and work better.

  7. Leaving the country is the only thing that’s fixed it entirely for me.

    Now that I’m back I’ve got air filters in every room (Sharp ion plasmaclusters), and dust nearly daily during pollen season. Close all windows. Mask up and find a medicine that works best. Then still feel miserable because nothing relives it completely.

    As for the Sharp devices. They help, but they aren’t a game changer or anything. The pollen gets everywhere. So unless you live in a clean-room environment and never leave the house you just have to do the best you can and deal with it for 2-3 months of the year… 🙁

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