Has anyone used a garbage removal service in Tokyo? Does this exist here?

I am cleaning out my grandmothers place and am just putting out a few bags once a week, at this pace it will take forever. There is a ton of stuff. I would love to pay someone to haul it all away. We also have to get rid of an old upright piano, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Located in Tokyo, near Kamata.

  1. Try to ask your city hall, Sodai Gomi is usually about hauling the big stuff, but maybe they allow you to bring everything out at once (for a fee, just like sodai gomi).

    Piano is definitely sodai gomi, or just put it on facebook sayonara sales for 5000 yen and have 324234243426245 people fight for it.

  2. You can try googling 粗大ごみ回収!

    Lots of vendors out there that will take out everything, even if it can’t be recycled.

    For the piano – you could try to sell it, unless it’s junk.

    We bought the house next door to us with the plan of tearing it down. As part of the agreement, the sellers hired a company to clean out everything before tearing the house down.

    The sodaigomi vendor will come out, inspect the house and contents etc, and give you a quote. The sellers got like 3-4 quotes before deciding on a place, and it took about a day for the actual haul. I don’t know the exact figure, but I don’t think it was massive amount of money.

  3. You can bring scrap metal to a scrap site. For example, bicycles or weight lifting sets. If you don’t have a car or truck, some places will pick it up.

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