Viability of Using “Offline Mode” in map apps to navigate Tokyo

Moving to Tokyo in 3 weeks. I was curious how realistic it is to navigate through Tokyo for a few days using the downloaded “offline mode” in various apps? I was considering it as an option just until I can get a phone contract set up.

Thanks so much!

  1. I don’t believe offline maps work with public transportation. If your current phone supports an eSIM, get a temporary eSIM until you get something permanent. Pocket wifi can be another option.

  2. Get a account set up. That way you can have data set up the moment you arrive. You can always switch to another carrier after you arrive.

  3. Thanks so much everybody! I tried to google and search reddit for this answer to no avail. I downloaded a bunch of offline travel apps, but didn’t have absolute confidence in them working with public transport. I appreciate your input 🙂

    I’ll go ahead and get a pocket wifi as I originally planned. My phone MAY support an eSIM, but i’d have to re-install the OS and it’s probably more of a pain than it’s worth vs renting a pocket wifi for a week

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