Have any podcast recommendations?

I currently only listen to The Miku Japanese Podcast.
I don’t care about the content since I don’t understand it anyways.
I’m really trying to get better at listening. I’m really bad at it.
Any help is appreciated.

  1. Sorry for formatting, I’m literally in Japanese class as I type this on my phone lmfao

    My favorite is 日本語を大切にしたい — slow and polite Japanese. He’s really good at just listening to because of how slow and gentle he talks.

    ゲームなんとか — if you’re into games and just want to listen to three guys talk about games.

    ききみみ日本語 — is good for short explanation on Japanese grammar points and other things

    声に出して日本語を学ぼう|speak out loud in Japanese with しろくろパパ — just like the title it’s shadowing practice.

  2. Yuyuの日本語podcast is good but definitely not super beginner friendly. I only ever understand the intro and some words and phrases that he throws around. Enjoyable to listen to though as his cadence and voice are nice.

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