My significant other doesn’t understand how I can eat this for breakfast 😋 🥰

My significant other doesn’t understand how I can eat this for breakfast 😋 🥰

  1. Super delish. I have natto many mornings as well. Also for lunch.

    It is definitely one of those textures and tastes that are polarizing. I just loved it from Day 1.

    Also a big fan of any seafood. I’m easy to please in Japan. 😁

    I had a relative visit one time and I said “when we eat and go out is there anything you don’t like or are allergic to?” and they said “oh I LOVE Japanese food but just no raw fish or ANYTHING WITH SOY PRODUCTS IN IT . . . “

    What Japanese foods were you eating before?!! Severe limitation . . . 😭😭😭

  2. The first night I stayed in Japan was in ‘97. I got lost getting back to my hotel, figured I was screwed till morning and got something to eat at a Lawson. I bought sushi, not knowing it was filled with natto. I bit into it and immediately brought it back to the store to explain to them the sushi had gone bad. Then I did it again. Yes, I did that twice. I still laugh at myself to this day and I still think natto tastes awful. My kids like it though 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Unlike what some people might think Raw or fermented Japanese foods don’t taste bad at all, but it’s understandable considering we grow up with certain tastes and ingredients, when I first tried Nigiri I was sure that I’d throw up but when I bit into the sushi it didn’t even feel like a peace of meat or raw or sea-like, it was like a cooled boiled carrot

  4. That breakfast looks amazing! Love natto! Didn’t like it at first when I moved to Japan, but it’s a staple now.

  5. Do you buy the little fish canned? Frozen? Fresh? I’ve never seen them before. I’d love to try them.

  6. Ahhhh I get chills even thinking about eating a fish whole (even tiny… if my seafood still has eyes on it i can’t stomach it)

  7. Well if anything those beech mushrooms are so damn good. Could have them with almost every dish.

  8. Does SO know that most of asia eats similarly for breakfast? lol

    Personally I can’t do natto. I can do stinky cheese – the stinkier the better, but I can’t do Natto. Mostly because of the feel of it in my mouth. That mucus like feeling. I can’t.

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