Growing beard in a Japanese workplace.

It is a odd request but since I started to work from home I started to grow my beard back.

Tomorrow I will be going to my office first time in a while. My company is full of Japanese and I am the only gaijin. Before this I used to shave regularly, but today as I was about to start shaving I couldn’t do it. I want to keep it.

Would it sound rude or unprofessional to ask my manager that I keep my beard? Should I even have to get a permission from my manager for a such a silly thing? Or should I just assert dominance by just not shaving?

Note: I work in IT as dev.

  1. Just rock up with it and give zero fucks. Doubt anyone will say anything at all.

    Especially if your work place isn’t very traditional and has weird rules.

    Worst case they bring it up being against company rules.

  2. I am having my beard for a few years and I do not care about it even if I only working in usually Japanese only environments. Why? Because it is what you make an individual!

    Of course, if you are working in food environment or where it is necessary to have your beard shaved and it is written somewhere in the company policy you probably need to shave it. However, besides that keep the beard.

    Also as you are a foreigner a lot of Japanese like to see a beard, even if younger people try to have all parts of their beard removed completely, if it fits you keep it. Also if you have a problem with your hair (like me, I started to get bold in my mid twenties) it can be a good start for a communication 🙂


    Edit: What kind of industry are you working? If in sales it might get a negative impression from the buyer but even than you can make it your trademark and if you are good at your job nobody really cares. Do not let other decide on your appearance!

  3. Long and blessed beard 🧔no issues at work except the usual Kanako gets creeped out by my look (although I don’t care); other than that people seem interested in it

  4. I am working in sales in a small Japanese company and I have been growing my beard since the pandemic, with trimming/shaving occasionally, but fully growing for the past 6 months.

    The first reactions were a mix of disapproval, admiration and surprise. Now no one gives a fuck and some of my Japanese colleagues have started growing mustaches/goaties (concealable under a mask).

    As long as you are a respected member of your organization and you keep it neat there should be no problem.

  5. I’m in IT rocking a beard with no problems (various companies and have gotten to director level despite the beard and my inability to actually do management crap…)! Just keep it neat and try not to become too mountain man 🧔‍♀️

  6. My Japanese husband works as an engineer at a large Japanese company. He had a beard when he was interviewed for the job, and has kept the beard. No one really cares.

  7. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I’ve done this at my work with piercings and a sometimes visible half sleeve tattoo. Chances are no one will make a stink about it.

  8. Make sure it’s well groomed and no one will care. If it looks like you just didn’t shave then it might look a little unprofessional.

  9. I wouldn’t even mention it, none of their business. You are expected to respect Japanese culture; you can expect that the Japanese respect your culture, too.

    I have been working with a big beard here for decades. And never had any negative experience because of it. The occasional “you look like Santa Claus”, but not in a bad sense, was all. I think, it helps, if the beard is not too scruffy.

  10. I had a big beard until corona came out. Shaved it so my mask would fit. I just showed up to work after a vacation with it. Of course people were like, “what are you doing”? I just replied, “I went to Okinawa”. And everyone laughed. I miss my beard.

  11. “It’s dirty!”

    Man….I’m so glad I’m self-employed. The idea of someone thinking they can tell me I can’t grow facial hair is unusually vexing. I don’t even have a beard at the moment either.

  12. Another one of the series “can I do XX in Japan or will I look out of place”. Flash news – as gaijin we ARE out of place and standout no matter how you decide not to upset the visual sensibility of the Japanese pueblo 🙂 Just go for it man – and zero fuggs given

  13. If it’s untrimmed and you look like a hobo, then no it’s not good.

    If it’s trimmed and looks clean no issue at all. Do NOT ask your manager, else he’ll probably say no to avoid potential issue. it’s easier to say no.

    Source: me, I work in the luxury industry, no issue at all as long as it’s clean

  14. As the only other foreigner in my office, i was once given the task of telling a guy he had to shave his beard because it was unprofessional. Everyone else was talking about it behind his back but they knew it was his right to keep it so they never said anything, except to pressure ME to tell him to shave. It sucked.

  15. If you aren’t client facing, then go for it. I had a phat beard a few years ago. Then a client complained and the rest is history.

  16. As long as it’s not against the company rules and you don’t have bits of egg on it, nobody will care.

  17. I’m also working in IT company, but in my case, we have more than half foreigners.
    No one cares about others beard.

    I assume you have 1 on 1 session with your manager. Just ask him about it informally. As a chit chat topics. You can make sure by seeing him/her response.

  18. 30 years ago my Japanese boss, on a rare visit to our branch, told me to shave. As a naive 24 year old I did. I vowed there and then never to shave for someone else again and never have … wife excepted of course! It’s your face and your hair.

  19. You’re seriously overthinking this way too much. You’re growing a beard, not dyeing your hair pink and getting nose rings. Don’t ask, just show up with a beard.
    I’ve worked in a few Japanese companies and I’ve always had a beard. It’s never been an issuem

    Keep it trimmed and tidy though of course.

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