Getting unemployment

So my boss decided not to renew my contract this year so I’m out of the job HOWEVER I got recommended for an international school that doesn’t start until July (runs on American time and I would be starting with summer school) so I was looking into my options on how to survive with no pay for 3 months…

Could I receive unemployment?

I’ve been paying unemployment insurance for years and I read somewhere that if you gain a job while receiving unemployment they’ll pay you until your new job starts but can I apply for unemployment if I already have a new job lined up?

  1. I’m no expert on this but my 2pence from reading similar stories is that it seems You need to make sure your ‘leaving’ documentation you receive from company A says that ‘they decided to not renew’ as opposed to ‘you chose to resign’. You can then take that to hello work and receive unemployment but I believe you have to be actively seeking employment.

    I know it’s not super helpful, there are others on here that know the system and specifics way more.

    Out of curiosity, why only unemployment? As opposed to the entire Shakai Hoken bundle?

  2. Don’t sign anything saying you resigned.

    Request documents saying they’re not renewing your contract because of OOOO reason.

    When you’re out, take that and a rishoku shomeisho, My Number card, bank book, inkan, etc. to the closest Hello Work to your home.

    You’ll likely have to attend a seminar or two, but unless you quit, you should be eligible for 60% of your wage seven days after you’re out.

    Expect monthly visits showing you applied to work and visited their offices until you’re officially hired, then once to stop the process.

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