Romantic view In tokyo

Hey redditors! So I’ve always wanted to go to japan. It’s always been my dream 😊 finally I’m going around the end of May or the start of June. I know a japanese girl and were really really close and I’ve got myself a date. For now I’ve told her that well be going around asakusa for snacks and for walking along the sumida river. I wanted to know if y’all know a romantic place which isn’t absurdly crowded. A place that has a good view that might sooth your mind and heart. I’ve got her a necklace and I’m planning on giving it to her in place where there’s a beautiful view 😊 sorry if this posts too long haha. So if y’all know any good spots around tokyo that has a beautiful view and isn’t overly crowded please let me know!
TLDR : got a date and I’m giving her a necklace. Need a beautiful place with a good view to give it to her haha

  1. What do you personally consider a beautiful view? The canal at Naka Meguro? City lights at night from a nice bar? A shrine or temple somewhere? Tokyo Tower?

  2. Usually a nice restaurant in one of the higher floors of some of the buildings around Shinjuku and such do the trick.

    If this is your first date I would probably not do something so over the top with giving jewelry in prime proposal locations though. You might risk being ghosted for coming on way too strong on a first date.

    There’s no guarantee that the borders will be open to tourists in May or June at this rate. Have you even met this girl? If not I double down on the don’t do the necklace thing on a first date. Assuming she even plans to keep you up on that offer in half a years time at minimum. I would not really be planning this much into this right now. Wait until at least the borders open before planning dates with someone living in a country you cannot visit for the unforeseeable future..

  3. I’m sorry to jump in with unsolicited advice, but I want happiness for you, because you are a real person with feelings who deserves good things.

    It sounds like you don’t know this girl all that well, and the internet is no substitute for a stable foundation of in-person friendship and maybe eventual romance. Take it from an older guy who has made mistakes, but you sound like a classic case of coming on too strongly because you’re riding your heart at a gallop — you sound single and lonely, and believe me I have been there for years at a time. Japanese girls tend to be reserved early on, and you may have a lot more success if you step back and plan to play it slowly, give your friendship a lot of room to breathe, and let your time together feel safe and comfortable. I guarantee you that you will gain nothing by presenting her with a necklace on your first date, but, may stand to lose quite a bit by being too intense and creating awkwardness.

    In most cultures outside Italy and France, you’ll gain more with a woman by going slower and seeming confident and in control. Just relax and have fun, and realize that what you feel is often not a mirror of what reality is at such an early stage.

    Romantic spots will be most waterfront areas or riverfront areas, but truly if you’ve had a fun and casual date with with her, and no awkwardness arising from intensity, a dirty corner by a 7-11 is going to feel special to her.

  4. XEX Atago Green Hills has a great view of Tokyo Tower and some great food but it’s very expensive in the evening and you may want to reserve a seat in advance. Nice atmosphere though.

    If you want to go a bit further out for a sweeping view of Tokyo Sunshine City’s 60th floor has great restaurants and a great sweeping view of all of Tokyo.

  5. Manhattan bar at the Park Hyatt. Visit at night. Amazing view. If you’ve seen lost in translation you’ll know the bar I refer to

  6. No body should be making plans to go to Japan until Japan reopens its boarders. Not just thinking about reopening. Not just temporarily reopening. Fully reopen…

    Don’t be irresponsible

  7. I highly doubt international travel will be back by May/June next year, I’d have a plan B, maybe later in 2021 or even 2022

  8. I’m sorry I’m not too familiar with romantic locations. If you don’t mind me asking though, where did you two meet? 🙂

  9. Is this girl already familiar with Tokyo? If so, you might consider asking her to take you to her favorite spots. As a foreigner in Japan, it can be very difficult to navigate and find exactly what you’re looking for, particularly in Tokyo.

  10. Not sure why you are planning to travel to a country not open to travel to. You should wait until the country opens its borders.

  11. Tokyo is crowded. Just think of all the people as background color.

    Along the Sumida river there are lots of cherry trees and places to stroll. Check the weather for that time of year.

    As for food well you will be totally spoilt for choice.

  12. I hope you don’t take this as me medling in your private life, but 5 years in Japan saw me wiping tears for many of my gaijin friends over errily similar issues…Instead of bringing your girl to a romantic date, I’d recommend a casual outing where both of you have a fun day exploring Tokyo. It’s best to figure out how serious she’s with you ‘offline’ before attempting anything romantic.

  13. So, I visited Japan back in February this year before the virus took off in the U.S. I wanted to go to Diver City to see the Gundam there and also the mall next to it is massive. The sights are nice with plenty of places to see nearby the water. I picked this bridge specifically because it was a location in the Monogatari Series anime. It is a little cold at night and out of the way, but the view and pictures you can get here are wonderful.

    Yume no Ohashi Bridge

  14. Sure, you can go to one of the expensive bars that everyone here is mentioning. Personally, I’d keep it more casual. Hopefully you can tell whether your girl is rather of the luxurious or simple type, so decide based on that.

    Change your plans a bit. Meet in Asakusa at like 4 PM. Take your time visiting the temple area but don’t snack too much. Go for some nice (but nothing too exclusive) dinner, take your time.

    Personally, I’d go with the local Sushi Zanmai branch, it’s popular both with locals and tourists. Ask for a seat at the counter and wait until there’s space (queuing in front is normal, don’t worry about it – yes, it’s a busy place). Once seated, (if seated at the counter) don’t order a full plate of sushi. Order just a few pieces. Then order more when you’re done, etc.

    After sunset, revisit the temple. All the shops and the temple itself are now closed and it’s considerably less busy. But the temple is now illuminated and just looks gorgeous! After you’ve dwelled there long enough, leave through the east gate (can’t miss it if you’re standing in front of the large temple hall) and keep walking straight until you reach Sumida river. Lo and behold, you get some of the best view of the Skytree! It’s now also illuminated and reflects in the river. Sit down a bit and/or stroll southbound.

    Most people in Tokyo know the temple and the Skytree. But most have never seen the temple illuminated and unless they live somewhere where they can see it, the illuminated Skytree neither.

    Some extra ideas:

    – If you want to meet in the early afternoon already, meet in Ueno and stroll through the park before heading to Asakusa. If you want to meet in the morning already, visit Ueno zoo.

    – Make sure to get booze (i.e. a can of some drink for each of you) in some convenience store after dinner. Enioy it while sitting on temple grounds or at the river.

    Oh, if you reverse the order and go to Sumida river first – there’s a very small (closed in the evening) Tully Coffee store in the exact spot where you need to go west to end up exactly where the temple hall stands).

  15. You say you’ve “told her you’ll be going to Asakusa” and you also say she is Japanese.

    Hear me out. Have you asked her where YOU should go? If someone came to visit me and told me where they would take me, man, I’d feel pretty weirded out. Like I live in Bavaria, and if someone came over with a plan to take me to Neuschwanstein or something to be overly romantic, I’d ditch so fast.

    You should ask her where is good, where perhaps might she want to show you around? She is the local after all. She might be pretty damn sick of Asakusa.

    Overall, I hope you have a nice time, but cool your jets and communicate with her. It’s your time together, you should decide together. Egalitarian behavior is hot, old school chauvinism is lame.

  16. There’s a small beach in Odaiba that looks out to the Rainbow Bridge and looks really pretty at night. IIRC the path is near the replica Statue of Liberty.

  17. Everyone else has you covered as far as advice to take things slow and be careful. And not count on traveling end of May.
    I do have a recommendation for a nice date spot near Asakusa though, at the Asakusa View Hotel there’s a restaurant called Sky Grill Buffet Musashi. The food was good and the view was beautiful, we could see Asakusa and Skytree. A romantic and fun place for dinner.

  18. Well I think that is super cute idea but I think you should hold off on any romantic moves until you get to know her better in person. If you aren’t officially dating it might not be the best way to have a first meeting. People tend to act differently over the internet than in real life so it is always good to see how comfortable she is with you before trying something that could ruin a good friendship

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