Looking for a particular kanji learning tool/website

Hello! Is there a website/program that allows you to create a set of kanji/words you need, and be tested on their writing and/or reading?
e.g. let’s say I make a “deck” out of 飲む、食べる、描く
So it will ask me to either write the “飲” on screen by hand when showing のむ(to drink) or show ”飲む” and ask to write the reading
Not sure if I explained it well but I would love to know if such tool exists

  1. i use the android app called « kanji study » , pretty famous, would definitely recommend, paid app but definitely worth it. there might be free apps out there however i just prefer this app’s interface.

    + if you’re using an android just go download a mod apk 😉

  2. for reading there is anki

    for writing you can also use anki, but you can’t write into the program

    you can make a flashcard to quiz your writing though

    * On the front of the card, put the word in kana. Your goal is to write it in kanji. Write on paper or in the air with your finger.

    * On the back, put the kanji written in the “kanji stroke order” font (google that font). This will let you decide if you got it right or not.

    it will require you to know a bit about anki in order to accomplish that, so if you aren’t the type to tinker a bit with software, this solution may not be for you

    You will need to read the [anki manual](https://docs.ankiweb.net/) in order to do this.

  3. Try Midori, it won’t test your writing as you say but it’s extremely easy to make flashcards from words you’re studying. It will show you the correct stroke order of any kanji and you can test yourself to see how you did. It’s a dictionary app and thus will give you tons of native phrases using the vocabulary you’re studying.

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