Did anyone else start snoring when they got here?

My whole life I’ve been an occasional snorer, but since I arrived in Japan I have become a relentless, noisy, disruptive snorer. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m trying to pin down a cause.

It’s not bed/pillow related because it’s happened in multiple places/beds. Could it be humidity? Diet somehow? Would love to hear if it happened to any one else (and, I guess, tips for how to snore less…)

  1. This time of year the air is dry as a mfer and there is also a lot of pollen around. Running a humidifier helps me. I use one of them air filter humidifier units. They’re expensive, but no snoring.

  2. Japan has an incredibly high percentage of mouth-breathers. There are several reasons behind this, and diet is definitely one, as most of the food is very soft and highly processed. This will weaken your face muscles, causing mouth breathing and, consequently, snoring.

    My tips:1) eat slowly, chew as much as you can. 2) tape your mouth before you sleep. It will be hard at first, but you will get used to it. It definitely works.

  3. Get it checked out with a doctor, please.

    A sudden uptick without obvious (to you) reason is nothing you should the internet let diagnose for you.

  4. i never knew i was a snorer til i started sleeping with my wife, now i’ve been banished to a seperate room. I’m sure this was going to happen regardless of whether i was snoring or not though. The fate of a married gaijin.

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