Tips on how to improve listening comprehension and verbal output in a short time?

I’ve been studying Japanese for around two years now, sometimes in an organized classroom setting, sometimes self studying, and once in a month-long summer immersion program. I’d say for how long I’ve been studying I have a good grasp on pronunciation and writing, but my vocab is pretty shaky and my listening comprehension skills could really use some work. I would like to become a counselor at the previously mentioned immersion camp in summer 2023, but I feel like I should work on improving my conversational skills beforehand. That is all fine and good, but the real issue comes in at the fact that this gig is in five months, and I don’t know if that’s enough time to drastically improve. Does anyone have any tips for quickly improving listening comprehension and speech output? Should I focus mainly on native media input learning? Should I get a language partner?

TLDR; Very soon I’m applying for a job that requires me to speak in full time Japanese for around a month, but I’m shaky in my comprehension skills and need to rapidly improve. Opinions on the best way to go about this?

  1. Last I checked if you want to get better at something you practice it. everyone is different so you need to find what works for you.

  2. I would say talk to people, not just one person, and they don’t have to be a native speakers

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