Is Tokyo Midtown Clinic (in Roppongi) Really that Bad?

I think majority (of their patients) are coming from company annual check up.. and the advantage of having a check up there is no need to pay extra for the English med result.

However, there’s a bunch of negative reviews on their Google map page but I wonder, for those who are not into posting reviews in Google… for anyone here who went there, how was your experience?

  1. I’ve been going there for years and have no complaints. You get your results online which is nice.

  2. I guess for a checkup they might be fine. I went there for issues with headaches allergies etc. they did a CT scan and the old fart told me to avoid dust etc. I told the reception I want my money back. Next to useless really if you want to do some more serious troubleshooting.

  3. I’ve been going there for my annual health checks for a decade now. They’re efficient, and my hospital of choice for health checks. I’ve been to a few other places, and this place gets things downs fairly quickly.

    That being said, there is one doctor that is super dismissive, and during the last part where they ask “Do you have any concerns?” He clearly didn’t want to hear my concerns and sent me off.

    I’ve thankfully only met him once.

  4. It’s central, and waiting time and availability was limited. Went during weekend, had to wait 2-3 hours to complete everything. Other places I’ve been to I was able to finish within an hour.

    All in Japanese, made my weird experience on the “da-vinci” machine (barium X-ray test) weird.

    Results came in quite late – 2 months later. Wasn’t able to check results online.

    I reckon the quality of the tests are same across clinics – the only differentiator is whether they offer the “bonus” tests you might need, and how long it takes to complete them

  5. Been using them at least a few times per year since 2013, never had any bad experience. I’ve felt the front desk people are much more pleasant these days than previously.

  6. Pretty much every medical/dental clinic on google maps seems to be like 2/5 stars or less. I assume people only go out of their way to review them when they have a really bad experience and are fuming about it. I wouldn’t never really think to review a doctor or dentist who I had no issues with honestly, although I guess ppl should. Restaurants, for example, are different because people do feel inspired to make positive reviews as well as negative

  7. My coworker and I went there to get our covid vaccinations but on different days. My experience was great. I had to fill in forms, but since I can’t read Japanese, the staff was more than happy to accommodate and assist.

    My coworker however had the opposite experience. He said they were cold and unhelpful.

  8. I don’t know about this clinic in particular, but I think it’s best to ignore Japanese Google reviews most of the time. Some people complain about the smallest, most insignificant things here. Sometimes about things that aren’t the shop/restaurant’s fault.

    For example, there was an izakaya that opened up in Sendai recently. When it initially opened, queues were pretty long as you would expect. Someone gave a 1 star review because the queues were so long and they had to wait a long time to get in

  9. I went there last year. No complaint for me. The staff was also nice and helpful. For context: I didn’t know Japanese language at all that time.
    They send the result online as well and it’s convenient.

  10. All of the clinics I’ve gone to are horribly rated on google maps, even if they are good. Most people only bother rating when they had a bad experience, not if they had an average/good time.

    I look at the reviews, and if 90% of the complains are “I had to wait a lot” or “the clerk at the window didn’t use KEIGO!!!” then it’s good.

    In topic, I did go to Tokyo Midtown Clinic and felt a bit like the doctor wanted to rush through, but I got new insight on my condition + they prescription I got did just what I needed at the moment so it was an overall good experience.

  11. Well the last time I went there, I did all the exams and when I saw the doctor, he barely looked at the results and said « ok, everything is fine ».

    When I say barely, that’s exactly **8 seconds**. I stayed **less than a minute** in his office. He didn’t even cared to ask about the questions I asked in their medical form.

    I’m not a doctor but it rather seems very short to assert the good health of someone you never seen before. I wouldn’t recommend it.

  12. I wanted to write a review of it but didn’t get the time.

    I made an appointment to see a doctor in 2019. I arrived on the appointment day. I was told that doctor consultation was 10,000 yen and was asked if I was ok with it. I agreed. Went to see the doctor. Waited 5 mins. When the doctor met me, he asked me what I wanted to have checked up. I told him. He then gave me a date on which he was available to check me. Sent me to the reception. Reception then asked me to pay 10,000 yen for the “consultation” when my talk with the doctor lasted no more than 2 minutes.

    Never have experienced such BS before.

  13. I had to go to a hospital for an emergency one time. I checked the reviews and there was a 1 star because the nurse had teal dyed hair. I saw the nurse with the teal hair and she was professional and I had no complaints.

    Take reviews with a grain of salt.

  14. Went there for a health checkup one year for my old company, and I didn’t have an issue other than the girl doing my mammography being scared shitless of my limp nodes.

    The issue came when I went for some bloodwork, X-rays and a electrocardiogram for a surgery I would have back home. They made me pay 40,000¥ for all of that, and I didn’t even get my x-ray photos. If I wanted those I would have to pay 10,000¥ extra.
    I needed the paperwork to be in English, which was an extra 10,000¥ (already part of those 40,000¥), kicker was that the “English translation” was a paper with the words “The doctor says she is fine to undergo the surgery”. The rest of the paperwork was in Japanese and I had to translate it myself for my surgeon and anesthesiologist back home.

    I’m never rude to customer service people, but I talked back (quite rudely) to the uketsuke lady. Literally told her “I asked for the paperwork in English, why is it in Japanese?” she explained what I said above, which enraged me more and I had my Karen moment “If my surgeon doesn’t accept this I will come ask for a refund.”

    Not my proudest moment but I was so angry and I felt so ripped off…

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