Places to converse?

I’ve been learning Japanese alongside one of my friends, I feel I’m making decent progress but I’m largely struggling to stay motivated.

Here in Australia there are very few Japanese people, and even fewer fluent or native speakers, so it can be tough to find somebody to practice with; my friend is a bit ahead of me but by no means fluent. I’m fairly sure this lack of use is what’s killing my motivation to learn. After all, what’s the point in learning something if you can never use it?

So I’m wondering if anybody can point me to some places where I could talk with native or fluent speakers and get some practice in.


  1. It’s definitely roughly when there aren’t good opportunities for in-person conversation. HelloTalk came recommended by a Japanese YouTuber as a good app for language exchange. There’s also iTalki where you usually pay a small amount to engage with native speakers as teachers.

  2. Are you in a capital or large regional city? If so, it’s worth looking up local language schools; i know mine in Melbourne has a free language exchange night regularly.

  3. I would check in see you have a Japanese cultural arts group in your area. I found one by me, and while they only do official functions, they have a weekly informal get together where speakers of all levels are welcome.

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