Curious what % of income everyone pays for rent

Hey everyone just trying to get some info to make a good decision on my next apartment.

I’m currently paying 21% of my income in the Yoyogi area.

I’m considering paying 32% for an apartment in Ebisu area.

Thank you!

  1. depends on how much remains of the overall take home and other expenses? are you able to save a good amount in Yoyogi? would it still be a good amount after accounting for the rent increase? how about basics expenses — would you spend more or less living there on extras?

    I pay 27% of my take home for rent but I decided to pay more for location and a newly redone property. still, after expenses I have about 25-30man left over each month for savings etc. next place will be cheaper or I’ll buy, but for now I like my living situation

  2. I pay 12% but that’s because my rent is pretty cheap. I feel like paying a third of your money in rent is pretty expensive but also depends on how big the place is

  3. I pay ~20% of my take home for a nice apartment in Yokohama. IMO living in Tokyo is overrated.

  4. This is just going to turn into a bragging thread about how cheap people are and/or how high their salary is.

    It really just depends on how much take home income you have left over versus a detailed budget based on your lifestyle.

    (bit under 7% of gross household income, dual income rocks)

  5. It’s about 17% of our combined income, but my wife is quitting and then it will be 23% of my post-tax/pension/insurance income.

  6. Under 20% of gross (less factoring in the wife paying a little more than half). I changed jobs recently so it’s hard to be more specific at the moment. If you’re really curious, remind me later and I’ll run some more numbers. Somewhere buried in my post history is a comment response about it, but I can’t be bothered on mobile at the moment

  7. 31% of my net if I average out my yearly, but that’s inconsistent because of my seasonal bonuses. On any given month that I don’t get a bonus it’s 39%. Hooray for needing convenience and space 🙁

  8. I pay 8.5% of my take home salary for 45m2 apartment. But that’s because my company subsidized my apartment.

  9. Tokorozawa. Bought a place here. 10万円 of mortgage which is quite nice and leaves me quite a nice stack to invest.

    I wouldn’t spend more than 33% of your take home pay in any case.

  10. It is actually a good question because I think it is a key to building wealth.

    I started around 16% of salary and kept the same place for 6 years. Just before I got married it was 9.5%.

    Married we paid 9.5% as a household. That was a bigger place. Then, just before we bought a place we decided to try out a “designer mansion” which was basically a townhouse with that raw concrete look and an elevator inside. Not a place I’d want to buy but it was cool for 18 months. That was 19.5% of household income.

    I think if you can keep your rent at 20% or under you are in good shape, but 15% or lower and you’ll bank your money.

  11. Low income but 0% in rent or loan. Property tax is about 2万円 per year. A year of neighborhood fees are almost as much

  12. Bragging. 5%. Bought it so I pay only for maintenance. 30% would be ok no? That’s kinda the rule

  13. 26% of my gross pay. 18% if you include my wife’s. But it’s mortgage not rent.

    I was paying 8% of my gross when we were renting, because work covered most of it, but fuck giving money to leaches.

  14. My mortgage, excluding property tax is 25% of my take home.
    With tax averaged out monthly it goes up to 29%

  15. With my wife’s salary combined we pay 10% of our earnings in total on mortgage.

  16. If I were paying by myself, it would be around 33%.
    My partner and I split, so it’s around 16% of my pay after taxes.

  17. This question is so pointless.

    Percent by itself really truly does not tell you anything. The more money you make, even if you pay a higher percent of your salary, you’ll still have a lot of money remaining for other expenditures.

    Someone who takes home 1,000,000 yen a month can easily pay 50% of that to their rent they will have more than enough to still save plenty of money.

    Compare that to someone taking home 250,000 a month and spending 50% of that on rent.

  18. 15% of my take home for a relatively spacious apartment. Perks of working remotely and not having to leave the house I guess.

  19. Living in Osaka. Wife also works full time. Currently paying 6.7% of total income to rent. This is excluding the additional rent support wife’s company is giving each month.

  20. Around 12% of my net right now. Used to be 21% at my old job, but now I get rent subsidy.

  21. I pay 33 % of net income and judging by people’s comments, I am more on the high end of it.

  22. Surprisingly it’s 23%(it’s share house, including utilities & all). I just calculated & felt little good. But 😞 I have more living expenses bcoz of my lifestyle.

  23. 15% northern part of Tokyo in UR living alone.

    Moving near Tokyo Dome with SO, we will be looking at 25%.

  24. Last time I was paying rent was about 20 years ago. Paid about 20% of my net takehome for a tiny place in Shiodome. It was great. Girlfriend (now wife) and I lived there for about year before getting married; if we can survive a year living that close together – I was working from home back then – we can surive anything.

    It was basically like living in Ginza. As a relatively young single couple, it was awesome. I could walk to work. But this place was *tiny.* Small living room, small bedroom, small little open kitching, surprisingly big o-furo. Beautiful building.

    No rent / mortgage now. I spend about 350,000 yen a year in taxes for the various properties I own.

    I think 30%+ for rent is too steep – Ebisu is great, but Yoyogi is a lovely area, I’d prefer 20% there to 32% in Ebisu…

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