Weekly Complaint Thread – 02 March 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. I cook American style. I make big dinners in order to have left overs.

    My wife and kids enjoy the meals.

    But refuse to eat the left overs.

    I meal prep so I already have my meals ready to go.

    My wife hates left overs.

    Most of the time, I don’t plan on left overs.
    We constantly waste food because my wife refused to eat left overs.

    Woman, we aren’t made of money. Get over yourself and eat the amazing pasta dish I made yesterday.

  2. Girl I like replies to my message at 4am telling that she went for a drive with a friend 🙄 yeah… just the perfect way to start the day, makes me so frustrated and angry to know that I failed the bullshit license exchange tests 3 times and when tried again after renovating my own contry license, I was told to fuck off cuz they didn’t like how I got it renewed without going back first, fml

  3. Got a great bag of coffee beans over New Years. A light roast with lots of berry notes but not overly acidic, a pleasant mouth feel and layers of other flavors. I just made my last cup of the stuff today, and if anything it tastes better now than it did when I got it. The roaster doesn’t have any left of those beans, and I’m not going to travel there for another few months at least anyhow.

    I had some great coffee. I no longer have any left. It makes me sad. That’s my complaint.

  4. Have to retake my IT passport exam 🙁
    The questions during the exam are more difficult to understand than the past year questions, in terms of Japanese and not the technical terms.

  5. After going through home assignment, 2 technical interviews, 3 management/fit interviews, I haven’t heard from the company for 4 weeks now and it’s not a small start-up.

    My inside man is ghosting me, and the hr person didn’t respond to my email week ago.

    Just pisses me off when you go through all that trouble from both sides and there’s suddenly just complete silence. Even from a friend of over 10 years…

  6. Agreed to be my (ex) friend’s emergency contact a long time ago and I cut her off a while ago. She wasn’t paying rent for the longest time and eventually ended up going back to the states at the beginning of the pandemic (and apparently is insistent that she’s coming back…) but the guarantor company keeps on calling me asking if I can get in touch and let her know they’re looking for her.

    I know they’re just doing their job and they know we haven’t spoken for years at this point, but I just want them to evict her so this stops 🫠

  7. Been about a month now of some rando blowing out the toilet nightly at the neighborhood park. I know washiki benjo can be difficult, but is it too much to ask to shit _in_ the pot and not on the floor in front of it?

  8. I thought of one while I was browsing this! There is a conbini by my house, and except for one lovely woman, the rest of the staff are such jerks!!! Yesterday I stopped in on the way from dropping my son off at yochien, and the guy was literally just throwing my items into the bag and glaring at me as he’s ringing me up. The other day I had a guy give me a very impatient ちょっと待て下さい and was clearly annoyed that I took him away from whatever he was doing in the back. It’s just odd for me, because I’ve been here 15 years or so, and this is my first time encountering rude staff at the conbini.

  9. It’s taking to fucking long to heal… Still can’t sleep more than a couple of hours after pain meds kick in. And doc says I’ve got another month minimum before the ribs and shoulder should start feeling better. And another CT scan next week because my wrist hasn’t stabilized and they might have to do more surgery…

  10. Still bit upset about the vaccine situation I am facing, looking for the possible solutions. I got Sinovac as the 1st and 2nd dose, and AstraZeneca as the 3rd/booster one. Months ago when I visit the office the staff told me that it’d be done easily in the system, just use the LINE bot.

    Weirdly they registered my booster (AZ) as the 1st primary dose, so if I wanted to get my 2nd booster/4th dose (or in their perspective, 2nd primary dose), I have to get the exact same (which is AZ too), but they only provides Pfizer and the bot always declined if I choose Pfizer anyway. “Oh just take a completely new primary doses then”? Nah the system also declined that because they perceived the AZ as the already-taken 1st primary dose.

  11. Fuck me is it a battle trying to bring a pallet of stuff over. Like it’s basic stuff like books, clothes and odds and sods. But because there’s a couple of bottles of wine it’s been stopped by customs that we declared. Every box opened up. New list made, rejected, made again.

    Gone from 10万 to 30万 possibly higher. The agent we’re using says it’s crazy how difficult customs are being. That being said I don’t know if he’s screwing us and customs is on the dark. Either way both the wife and I are stressed to fuck when our lives are hardly great.

    Also company is being very vague about where they’re going to send me next despite saying I’d have the pick of the litter.

    TLDR; fuck me is life a pain.

  12. Looks like my next job is going to be in Osaka which means my commute is going to become much, much less pleasant. I’m going to miss reading on the train 🙁

  13. hey shriveled old gremlin, no you cannot just stop at the top of the escalator, what the fuck?! this happens on the DAILY and I just cannot…

  14. The other day… a generally open interviewing session for a overseas sales position. Just looking for someone who can go overseas and be functional with english. No market experience OK and at least 5 years of working.

    Conversation over the phone between two session managers A and B (me just listening on the side)
    B “this gentlemen is a foreigner?”
    A “yes”
    B “But *teeth hiss* is he fluent in Japanese?”
    A “Yes we are discussing this session perfectly fine”
    B “ really? What kind of foreigner?”
    A “ he has permission to work and is a local resident”
    B “ well we will try to fit him into the session schedule. Maybe the wait list”

    Of course this was before anybody in the conversation was even looking at any resumes or work history. They were literally thinking of filtering out a foreigner for a “mainly English needed” overseas sales job just because they thought they wouldn’t fit in a Japanese company.

    I look forward to more companies collapsing because “no body wants to work” …

  15. Early last year I interviewed for a position where one of the main responsibilities was making bilingual social media posts, the interview process involved drafting some samples.

    I was told no after I submitted the samples, which sucks because I worked really hard not only to make them unique, but to cater to their audiences specifically.

    Fast forward to today, I checked their social media to see how it’s going, and whoever they ended up hiring is making posts in broken Japanese.

    Hurts cuz I still like the company and I know I would have done a much better job

  16. Trying to leave my current company to get a frontend engineer job somewhere else.

    Checked a job ad’s hiring process I’m very interested in:

    – No take home test that will take that will take a few days?! Great!

    – Wants to talk to me about github projects I’ve been working on and past experiences?! Nice!

    – no leetcode in site?! Not bad!

    – Easy access for me to get to? Good!

    I send my resume and I get pass the resume phase but suddenly they require me to get work references from co-workers and bosses in my current company????

    No thanks.

    I really hope this isn’t the standard requirement for engineering positions nowadays.

  17. How is it cold enough to use the heater downstairs and hot enough to use the AC upstairs

  18. Looking for an apartment is stressful as fuck. Doubly so as a foreign couple. No ‘My Japanese wife™’ to wipe my ass for me. 🙁

    And as much as the ‘no foreigners’ rule suck, I would love if we could actually use it for our benefit. If they can tick a box saying no foreigners allowed then why can’t we tick a box showing foreigner ok apartments!

    Also my electrical company has stopped using combini payments for a few months so I’ve been paying by PayPay when they send a link via SMS. I changed my number recently and made an application for it a month ago now and I haven’t received a text on my new number, I hope they don’t just turn off the power on me for non payment lol.

  19. Desk neighbor keeps spilling his shit over and using part of my desk no matter how many times I point it out or straight up move his stuff. He also blocks my drawers with his legs and I do not feel bad about slamming his knees when I don’t notice 🤷‍♀️

  20. My stomach was so upset today I legit had to leave in the middle of one of my classes today😔 traumatizing

  21. 2nd complaint:

    I wish all of Japanese glassdoor-like websites weren’t all behind paywalls.

    I don’t want to cave in for a monthly subscription service just to see one company’s employee reviews.

    Makes me appreciate glassdoor more. If only glassdoor was popular in Japan.

  22. suddenly had to prepare a short presentation the day before an event. drove an hour away to go to said event site, but apparently the event itself was cancelled and rescheduled due to bad weather, and I only realized this once I reached the location. (the office tried to contact me on my garakei work phone, and not my Bluetooth-enabled smartphone, so I didn’t notice as I was driving on the highway. plus by the time they tried calling me, I was already halfway there anyway.)

    ah well. chatted with the staff there and ensured things would run smoothly for the rescheduled date at least.

  23. The ones who walk while smoking.
    Hoping their habit offs them before they damage other people’s health.

  24. I want to switch industry (again), but this time I have no idea where to switch. I don’t think I will like coding/IT/programming. But I want something that requires minimum interaction with external parties.

  25. My laptop got super slow. I decided to give a reboot. It decided it no longer wants to boot. I guess an update made it angry or some hardware is failing ( I bought it used years ago).

    My tablet also died two weekends ago. It would seem it no longer can charge/get power.

    I guess I should get a new (at least new to me) laptop soon. More expenses :/

  26. Joined a new company relatively recently, and I’ve been working fully remote until I could move to the other side of the country so I can come in the office once or twice a week. After a couple of months of searching and narrowing down possible places, I’m taking the Shinkansen to visit all of them this weekend to make my final decision… and then they very casually drop during a 10-minute morning meeting this Monday that WfH is getting cancelled while I’ve literally been planning my entire move around being able to work remotely most of the time.

    Luckily my entire team is basically telling them to shove it, and I’m just following suit like a good little 杭, but this is definitely not leaving a good impression on me at all. A real shame since my entire experience with them had been so good up to this point.

  27. Complaint/question: my iPhone battery runs down suddenly on cold days, from 100 to 10 in a matter of minutes. Its so annoying.

  28. Really don’t like the starbucks cashless exclusive register. Today like all days I queue forever on my lunch, get to the front, grab my wrap and like I and everyone else does stand in front of the Cash register. The single server completely glossed over my and went to the next cashless customer, now I would need to requeue in what was now another big queue. They had a single barrista working on the cashless register and I guess she didnt see me. Another staff member saw me and looked like she wanted to say something but didnt, so I just put the wrap back and left.

    Id eat in my office if I didnt want the free wifi from starbucks. Now due to the shame I have brought upon myself I cant go back there anytime soon. Maybe a month will be okay.

  29. It’s my birthday and I’ve entered a new decade. It would be a happy occasion but I can’t celebrate in my preferred way because I’m big and round and full of baby. (I would have wanted some fancy wine and moldy cheese with salt cured meats)
    Also it’s my dad’s birthday and I miss him tons. He’s still alive and healthy, I just always think about him when it’s our birthday and get sad because we haven’t physically celebrated together in years when we did so most of my life. I miss taking a birthday picture together. I wish we did that more before I moved to Japan.
    I was secretly hoping the baby would make a birthday appearance, but no signs yet. Would’ve been a grand present for me and pops.
    My husband wants to take me out to dinner to any place I want tonight but the one place I wanted to eat at, Thursday is their rest day.

    But tomorrow we’ve made plans to watch Everything Everywhere All at Once! So I’m excited for that!

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