Web Developer Part time/Internship opportunity

Hi everyone, excuse the post if it’s not allowed.

Wanted to reach out to as many resources as I could; I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of part time/internship developer positions.

I worked as a software developer(more heavy on the front end but essentially did full stack) after graduating university for about 3 1/2 years in the USA. I recently moved to Tokyo because I’ve always wanted to learn Japanese so I decided to take a year to study Japanese at a language school. During this time I’m a bit fearful of losing my skill set, because for me if I don’t use it I’ll lose it. So I’m looking to get a part time job and it would be great if somehow I could get one in the area I have experience in.

Just wondering if anyone has any resources or knowledge of where I can go about looking for some type of web developer part time (or internship) job in Tokyo. Any and all advice would be really appreciated!

As a side note I am starting out with beginner Japanese level, so I have a long way to go.


  1. Thought about freelancing? If you just want to keep your skill fresher sounds more appropriate.
    You could even just build your own project

  2. If it’s just about keeping your skills sharp and you don’t need the money, consider working on some open source projects. It’s something that will look good on a resume down the road, and can also lead to job opportunities.

  3. I personally find one on indeed but give a look on the website Wantedly their is lot of IT related job

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