Is it possible to work remotely abroad while staying on a Japanese work visa?

My husband and I are planning to move out of Japan in a few months as he is exploring new job opportunities.

If we move abroad, would it be possible for me to work remotely for my employer (Japanese branch of a U.S. based company) while getting paid in my Japanese bank account? How would the residence tax situation work if I won’t have a residence here?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

  1. You’re not allowed to have a bank account in Japan if you don’t have residency. Our bank has been checking visa status in the last couple years.

  2. Any income you receive in Japan is taxable in Japan. As was noted in another comment, though, if you give up your residency in Japan your bank account may be frozen or closed by the bank because residency is a requirement.

  3. Are you a PR?

    Money remitted to Japan is taxable and you would also be subject to local income taxes in your new host country.

    If you are not a PR, I would be concerned that you would lose your ability to legally work for a Japanese company w/o a valid visa.

  4. If you maintain your juminhyomin by keeping a small, physical apartment in Japan where you or someone else could receive your mail, yes you can.

  5. If it’s a US based company they may be able to pay you to a US account, If you’re a US citizen there are a few banks that will let you open an account from abroad, or you could use a family member’s address.

  6. Any reason in particular you require to be paid in your Japanese bank and not a new bank account where you intend to live? If you’re considering not telling your employer about the move so you can continue to work for them, there is a good chance they will find out and you might be let go.
    I have been working remotely for the past 2 years and have known couple of my colleagues who have moved from Japan to SEA without informing the company and have subsequently been fired.

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