South Korea president says Japan changed from aggressor to partner

South Korea president says Japan changed from aggressor to partner

  1. Japanese people thinking: damn, all we do is firing missiles at them and harrassing korean tourists and they still think we’re not an aggressor.

    when tf has japan been an aggressor after ww2? all korea do is blaming japan and demanding compensations. wtf

  2. Sometimes the obvious needs to be said aloud so the rest of the people can hear it

  3. First of all, in South Korea, as in your country, there are right-wing and left-wing political organizations.
    The current administration is right-wing and very pro-Japan.
    They won the election by saying that they want to improve relations with Japan.
    They have a very good relationship with the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.
    On the other hand, a leftist government would have an anti-Japanese policy.

  4. Korea’s enemy is not Japan.
    The enemy has to be somewhere else.
    You know that, don’t you?

  5. So how long will this last. I feel like this relationship has flip flop for years

  6. Love it when you get your reputation up with a faction and unlock new reputation rank rewards!

  7. Get rid of the thicko fatty in the North and his siblings and offspring, then the whole of Korea can be prosperous

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