Japan or Germany for Microbiologist

Between Germany and Japan, which of the two countries have better job opportunities for medical microbiologist or biology graduates in general especially for foreigners (Filipinos)? Japanese-N3 and German-B2 are my levels. I know Germany should not be a choice since this is only moving to Japan though I want to hear from you also. Thanks!

  1. I can’t think of many companies that specifically need microbiology. There are some Japanese pharmaceutical companies though they for the most part excel at generic drugs. If you are trying to do experimental stuff like Stem cell research, there are several R and D centers and Universities scattered here and there for that line of work.

  2. Germany has quite big pharma units that also do research. Also, Germany seems to be easier than Japan to get a visa for a new grad. And with B2 German plus English, you may tick more boxes than with N3 Japanese.

  3. You will have a better time communicating in Germany because English is pretty common, especially in academic circles. Some companies are in the middle of nowhere though. There is a decent sized Filipino community, especially in Western Germany e.g. Oberhausen. Germany has better salaries, but is also much more expensive. Especially rent. Work hours and holidays tend to be better. I’m a half Filipino/German (Not much in touch with my Filipino side though. Don’t speak the language). My mother is from the Philippines. She knows many Germans, but always complains that she has problems connecting with them and she only enjoys hanging out with her countrymen. But Germans generally have no issues with Filipinos and don’t know much about your culture.

    Japan has a large Filipino community, but you are a little stigmatized. N3 is barley enough to get by and not enough for a non English work environment. English service is not a given even in Tokyo. If you are the home sick type, the vicinity and the climate will suit you better. Connecting with coworkers on a private level and making adult friends is pretty hard in general.

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