Is there a way to update all Anki cards added via Yomichan at once?

I’ve recently decided to switch from a J-E dictionary to a J-J dictionary (which I should have done a long time ago tbh), but I already have >10k cards in my mining deck and don’t want to painstakingly add the J-J definitions to each and every one of those by hand.

So, is there an easier way to add the respective definition from the J-J dictionary to all the already existing J-E cards in this deck?

  1. I don’t know about yomichan but in Mac you can use set up automation. You record you clicking or typing things then just click play and the computer repeats your actions. I did it once for something like renaming files. Open file. Change window. Copy from text. Change window. Paste. Close. Then repeat that however many times. Bit awkward and clunky at times. But for simple things it works.

  2. I don’t believe there is. Monolingual cards aren’t that important anyway imo, its more important to keep anki time low and have a general idea of a word’s meaning – which an English definition almost always suffices – then to get the nuances by seeing and hearing it in reading and listening

  3. Not that I know of. I would used the edit while reviewing add-on or w/e it’s called and add j > j definition *to the cards that disproportionately benefit from one* as I review them.

  4. You can do that with the [migaku dictionary add on]( but since it only works with anki versions up to 2.1.35 you’d have to downgrade your anki first (assuming you are on the latest version). Then select all the cards go to edit -> export definitions and select the field with the vocab as input and the field you want the definition in as the output and select the dictionaries you want to use.

    You should export your anki collection before doing any of this just to be safe but tbh I wouldn’t remcommend adding the J-J definitions to all those cards anyways, it’s kind of a waste of time. Because of the nature of spaced repetition after a few weeks 90% of the cards you review will be monolingual anyways and a bulk of those 10k words you should have already seen many times in your immersion so by now you should have a better understanding of them than simply reading a definition can give you (be it J-E or J-J).

  5. I have J-J definitions on all of my cards but I honestly don’t use them that much. If I do, I have a back field where I can write a quick summary of the Japanese definition, especially if the JMDict definition isn’t descriptive enough or is wrong. I think with Anki the most important thing is to be fast, and reading Japanese definitions isn’t fast.

    In saying that, perhaps you should link the expression to an online Japanese dictionary instead. Something like:

    `<a href=”{{Expression}}/m0u”>goo</a>`

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