Mock Lesson via Zoom?


Are they still frequently requesting mock lessons during interviews even via Zoom in 2023?

Can anyone who has done a mock lesson during a Zoom interview weigh in on whether they requested you to use materials, and if so how you handled that request, given that there would obviously be no whiteboard for you to use?


  1. I didn’t bring any props or materials with me for a mock lesson. It was fine. If I thought I could use an easy prop I might have with me in Japan, I would tell the interviewers, “Here, I would probably have [object] to show the students.” That seemed to be acceptable.

  2. I was asked to present a lesson for an elementary class (forgot the year) and the topic was morning routine. I had no props or prep time, but I got up from my chair and said to the camera “pretend this is a chalkboard and that I have pictures too” as I waved to the space behind me. Then I pretended to write the word breakfast, and I imitated a stretch in front of them etc (the interviewers were students, there was one good one, one quiet and one louder). After maybe 5 minutes they were like ok thank you.

    I thought it went terrible but I’m in Japan now, just not teaching elementary lol

  3. I didn’t have a demo lesson but I had 4 years full time teaching experience before hand in middle school. Was asked about lesson plans. I teach elementary in Japan now.

  4. I did one last year over zoom and I didn’t use any materials at all, only hand gestures

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