Standard for Visa Renewal?

Today I innocently went to hand in my renewal papers for immigration after working here for 5 years, paying all my taxes and my familiy pensions etc: I’m on an “Engineer, Humanities, Int’ Services ” visa never breaking the law etc…anyway the lady asks me to wait, I comply and comes back with what seems to be a request for enough documents to practically be an “audit” of my company, starts questioning why I work remotely, how come I don’t live in Tokyo where the main office is etc.

They also want a list of all the foreign employees in the company, and their my numbers etc, it’s really quite strange, in fact, what I really find strange is, why don’t they don’t know this already, do they not have databases?

I was pretty shocked and disappointed actually, felt like a punishment, not really for me, but also my company and my colleagues because some of them are now involved in the shenanigans. I was naively thinking they’d be happy I’d been here for 5 years haha.

They want to see photos of our building, floor plans of our office, they want to know why I’m working in Japan, They want 12, kind of obscure documents which are going to be a pain to compile. I had to provide updated payslips, resumes, tax receipts etc.

One thing is, I work for an NPO who has 0ï¿¥ in revenue, maybe this is cause for suspicious, but our organization is pretty well known, we have websites etc, it’s not just an obscure thing, we work with very large organizations and companies here too. When my boss called them about how to fill out the forms, they just said it would be fine if he writes a letter and explaining we have 0 revenue and that should be it.

One thing that comes to mind, which is my bad is, when I changed jobs, I didn’t update immigration, I didn’t update them because I was told that if I didn’t get a HSP, I could freely change jobs, which was obviously a misunderstanding on my part; However, I just assumed they’d know I changed jobs after filing my tax returns else where, again I guess no databases? I explained this a few weeks ago that I’d changed jobs when I picked up the forms, they said it wasn’t an issue as well. No one said that my company might now be audited.

Anyway, we’re just going to jump through the hoops, because I supposed we don’t have anything better to do but send floor plans to the immigration office…

Has anyone else experienced something similar ?

  1. This sounds like my worst nightmare. What kind of job are you doing?

    My numbers of other foreign workers? Sounds like they really distrust your company. When you applied for the renewal did you just hand over an application and contract? Like, specifically, what was given to immigration?

    Also, which office did you go to so the rest of us can stay far far away.

  2. Is the NPO Greenpeace or something?

    No, but seriously, it sounds like the NPO has gotten into trouble with them in the past.

  3. >when I changed jobs, I didn’t update immigration,

    yeah. That or something is wrong with your company.

  4. AFAIK they only do that when they become suspicious about an employer or aware of an issue with an employer. You really don’t have much choice other than to provide them with the documentation they require or find another employer that can take over sponsorship of your work visa.

  5. Before you start assuming all sorts of nefarious / racist intent – put yourself in the immigration officer’s shoes.

    >I work for an NPO who has 0ï¿¥ in revenue

    >We pay taxes even though it is an NPO, it’s a very legit place.

    You’re working at an NPO with *zero revenue.* Why is it paying taxes if it has zero revenue?

    How is it staying afloat? How are they paying you? Where is the money they’re paying you coming from if they have zero revenue? Are you really working for the NPO – and only the NPO – and only doing work allowed by your visa?

    You honestly can’t see how your situation might raise a few red flags?

  6. I’ve had to prove that I worked remote, that the company is legit, and provide various other things like tax documents before. Not that big of an issue. They ask for the moon, but once you explain your situation sometimes they just need a letter.

    But an NPO that hasn’t dealt with foreigners much, and your iffy visa status stuff since you didn’t notify immigration (and maybe even your company didn’t), would be different.

  7. I would say it is definitely the NPO thing. I was almost exactly the same situation (working remotely, changed jobs and didn’t notify immigration, etc) except the NPO thing and took them less than on week to process my new residence card.

    Anyways, the financial statement of the employer is a huge factor for them. I suppose disguised firms to bring people to Japan do exist and unfortunately some legit companies might fall on what they consider suspicious.

  8. Your company should sponsor and handle the visa renewal. The fact you had to do it without any documentation support from your company is a red flag.

  9. I work at a company that provides immigration services to foreign owned Japan entities, so I’ve walked through the process of visa renewal for dozens of applicants.

    All the documents that were requested from you and your company are very normal, and that’s been my experience even where none of our clients are NPOs (though generally they are new and small). Some companies choose to hire us to help with the renewal process, and while others don’t, the company is still required to provide documentation because your work visa is tied to your company. You’re correct that your current visa type allows you to switch between employers, but the employer at the time of your application will be the one sponsoring that application. And unfortunately, no there is no database I’m aware of for them to confirm that you switched employers as they require you to file that notification directly to them yourself.

    Best of luck on your renewal.

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