Applying for COE within Japan

Hi all, I am in Japan on a working holiday visa but have received a job offer ad would like to change over to a work visa (The job is in IT, if it matters). As a brit, I know we cannot do a change of status from a working holiday visa within Japan, but could the company that want to hire me apply for a COE for a work visa, I could wait around until it’s issued then fly back to the UK change the COE to a visa there? Or is the only option to go home first and wait the 1-3 months for the COE to be issued and sent over.



  1. Usually you’re required to go back home and follow the “proper” procedure. Exceptions are made, but usually only for changing to spouse or if there really, truly is an exceptional circumstance.

  2. The company can proceed with COE application while you in Japan, you CAN wait until COE is issued as long as your period of stay is valid. And fly back home with the COE and apply for visa at the Japanese Embassy back home.

    Heck you could just try to do change of status with that COE,lucky if they accept.If not the immigration just tell you go home and apply visa at embassy with that COE.

    Problem is however, do you have the required documentation off hand (while in Japan) for the COE application ?

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