Work in JP

Im going to an undergraduate school in japan in January. Is there any job options for a student like me . I speak about 40% japanese. 290 day streak on Duolingo. I have a good resume with experience in the business industry and certification from HBS. I would prefer like an internship or part time job. Im i better off finding a work from home job in US. Or there are options in JP. Thanks in advance

  1. You’re probably not getting an internship, since you’ll be in classes during core business hours.

    Most students work at kombinis or retail stores.

  2. “I speak about 40% japanese. 290 day streak on Duolingo.”

    Uh, hate to say this, but Duolingo’s assessment of your Japanese progression isn’t really… never mind.

  3. >I speak about 40% japanese. 290 day streak on Duolingo.

    Where did you get that number? Do you really think you’re getting efficient input using Duolingo? How many hours of listening do you actually give yourself? What about reading? If not, stop using Duolingo and start giving yourself comprehensible input. By doing that is by watching content made by natives, for natives. No English subtitles. Doing this allows you to immerse in the language and have your brain get used to the speech pattern. The things taught in Duolingo is probably 0.000001% of what you’re gonna be hearing IRL. Even then, the things they teach is textbook Japanese which is unnatural. If you don’t believe me, watch this video and maybe your perspective of Duolingo will change:

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