Hello. I purchased a router using PFsense because I heard from ISP, Docomo 10G/Provider docomo net in Japan, that I don’t need to use their router. However, I can only use IPv6 and can only access websites like Google. I contacted support about supporting MAP-E or DS-Lite, but they only told me to wait. For example, I thought I need to set up GIFs in PFsense. Different support personnel provided different information, but I did receive information about IPOE IPv4 over IPv6. Do have any advice or suggestions? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Mr. Anderson!
[Search](https://old.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/no83as/tipssettings_for_connecting_ipv6_v6plus_ipoe_ntt/), it’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Bring up an ipv4 pppoe link for now.