Anyone keen to join a group chat to stay accountable and practice Japanese daily together?

Heey! もしもし 🙂

I’ve started a whats app group to learn Japanese a week ago with some members from here. It’s been super useful, we’re talking daily and we keep each others accountable, some learn on duolinguo, and others have classes and all!

Anyone wants to join and learn with us?

Comment below if you’re interested and I’ll send you an invite

  1. Motivation and accountability are definitely things I struggle with when self studying. I have never used WhatsApp but I would be willing to join.

  2. I have some interest. Know about 3/4 hiragana and 1/4 katakatana only though.

  3. Consider me interested! At work at the moment, so may join once I’m off (assuming you don’t mind more folks at that point haha)

  4. Like voice chat or text or a mixture of both? I’m only learning vocabulary in Anki at the moment so I won’t be able to talk much in Japanese

  5. I’m interested! Although, I’m around N4 or so so I’m not sure if I’m too high leveled

  6. I am also interested. I am beginner level, so I need to see how much I can participate.

  7. I’m interested but I have forgotten all I learned in school and am starting from the basics again.

  8. This would be pretty helpful, assuming people don’t mind lots of mistakes. Thank you. Great idea 🙂

  9. すごい!Yes please add me! Although WhatsAppをありません。is there another app I can use?

  10. Would like an invite as well if you’re still accepting and if okay for beginners 😉

  11. Hello, I am new in Japanese. I love to learn languages and I wanted a challenge, so I decided to go for Japanese.
    If a new learner can join the group, I would love to do so.


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