Confused about Japanese internship requirements as an overseas student

I’m a student at a Canadian university and am looking to do a long-term, paid internship in Japan this year. I am Japanese but a Canadian citizen, and from what I’ve read on the Japanese Immigration Services Agency website, it seems that paid internships in Japan can only be done if the internship contributes to a student’s academic studies, “such that credits can be earned and the content of the internship must be related the student’s major”. How accurate/stringent is this? I’m not aware of an internship = credits system at my school, and the internship I’m looking into is not 100% related to my major. Feeling a bit discouraged by these requirements. Any thoughts or advice are welcome.

1 comment
  1. I’m a Canadian who did an internship after I completed my college diploma. The school had a specific “Japanese Internship” program and I did get paid (although they called it a ‘stipend’ and not a salary which I suppose makes it sort of a grey area). I did not have any issues getting a ‘cultural’ visa for my internship, and it caused no issues for my subsequent working holiday, engineer, spouse, nor permanent resident applications.

    The internship happened after I received my Diploma, so there were no course credits involved that I’m aware of. I didn’t have to write up any post internship reports either.

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