Is it appropriate to gift flowers after a performance in Japan?

I made friends with a musician here about a month ago and he recently invited me to one of his shows to see him perform. Would it be appropriate to bring him flowers after the performance or would that be inappropriate? I’ve searched online but there’s no mention of this specific situation on the internet.

For context, I do have a slight interest in him so maybe that’s why I’m overthinking it. Also, I’ve only lived here for about 8 months so I’m not too familiar with giving flowers here. However, it’s custom to bring a performer flowers after a performance where I’m from so I thought it would be nice to share that with him.

  1. I’ve been in dance performances and my fellow performers who had friends or family come watch got flowers from them so I believe it’s appropriate

  2. Yeah, it’s fine. I recommend getting a bouquet from a proper flower shop. Don’t get one of those bundles of chrysanthemums sold at every supermarket that are meant to go on graves, haha.

  3. Absolutely. At every concert I’ve performed at and watched there’s always a table full of flowers for the performers to pick up at the end.

  4. Absolutely, just make sure you bring the right flowers. Avoid crysanthemums as those are funeral flowers, probably avoid red roses as those tend to be associated with romance and passion (unless that’s what you’re going for), though yellow ones are for friendship so those are fine. That’s about as far as my flower language knowledge goes lol

  5. Depends very much on the type of musician you’re talking about. A classical concert, or a musical? Sure, go ahead. A metal show? Better get that 6-pack of black label instead.

  6. What kind of performer are they? If they’re a classical pianist or something like that, then it’s probably fine, but if they’re a folksinger or part of a rock band, for example, then you could (should) probably just buy them a beer.

    It’s really thoughtful and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it, but if it’s not a crazy big performance in a hall with seating, then you probably ought to just be chill. Free beer, a smile and some genuine praise will mean just as much, especially if you can point out specific parts of their performance that you enjoyed.

    I say this as an active musician in Japan.

  7. After my first gig in Tokyo last year with my punk band one of my classmates from school gave me flowers. It was strange but kind of sweet, haha.

  8. My wife played orchestra and said “during the reception give the flowers, not after… unless they dont have a reception.”

  9. Actually quite normal. Often such flowers need to be labeled and handed over at a desk especially for this before the performance.

  10. You could do what the old ladies do in the strange Inaka dance shows and give him an envelope of money after a particularly sexy bit.

  11. I always see figure skaters being handed flowers after a performance on TV, so I’m guessing it’s ok.

  12. I always see figure skaters being handed flowers after a performance on TV, so I’m guessing it’s ok.

  13. If you do buy him beer, and he is in a band, makes sure to buy enough for his band mates too. It’s super rude to give only one person a gift in public.

  14. If you do buy flowers, make sure they’re cut flowers and not potted.

    Giving him potted flowers insinuates that you think he’s going to be performing on stage for a long time.

    Or maybe I’m mixing it up with flower-giving etiquette for hospital visits…

  15. I worked a few times at concerts and it’s super common that people bring flowers to the artists!

    We used to collect the flowers at the entrance desk where they got pamphlets of the event (classical concert) and we took the gifter’s name and the name of who it was meant for and stored them behind our desk to give to the artists afterwards.

  16. yep! My son gets flowers after ballet, and i see the professional male dancers also get them at the end

  17. I was active in the local rock/metal scene for a while and a six pack of TopValu beer is more appropriate than flowers. So it depends on the genre.

  18. Flowers are great, but don’t go nuts. If he has a lot of gear to carry, a little ¥500 bouquet might be more appreciated than a big, bulky one.

  19. Yes. I’ve got a few friends that are performers/musicians and they get bouquets of lowers all the time.

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