What happens if you’re caught with insurance but no shaken?

One of my Japanese friends acted like not having shaken was a totally normal thing and lots of people let it lapse.

I always thought it was an immediate license suspension or something heavy.

Do a lot of people just go without it until they get caught?

  1. Letting your shaken expire is a major problem if you get caught. Don’t listen to your friend.

  2. Just because your friend is Japanese, doesn’t mean he/she is always right .. If you have long term plans to live in Japan (Like getting PR), traffic violations will be a huge minus.

  3. Your friend is wrong and I wouldn’t get anywhere near that car. I can’t imagine too many insurance companies would be willing to pay out on a policy for a car with a lapsed inspection . If they need to move the car, they can take proof of insurance down to the town or city hall and apply for the temporary plates that are used to drive the car to the shaken place.

  4. I run an auto shop that specializes in customization. I won’t even work on a car with an expired shaken unless it’s proven to be off-road use only (race car, show car). And my clientele are usually the yankee no-good types but even they don’t let shaken expire.

  5. Your friend is a dumbass.

    He’s right though, a lot of people do just go without it until they get caught. Those people are stupid though. You will get caught and they’ll throw the book at you. Insurance probably has a blurb in there where it’s only valid if the car has good shaken so they can get out of paying as well.

    If you get into an accident bo matter how minor you’re fucked. If your car breaks down no matter how minor you’re fucked. If the cops stop you for any reason you’re fucked cause the date is right there in the front window.

    Your friend is a fucking idiot. I would cease your friendship immediately before he causes trouble for you.

  6. Oh hey, I just did my first ever shaken last weekend. ¥100,000 down the drain. Now I’m left wondering if the whole procedure is the same regardless of where you go, or if it’s better to “shop around” to get better quotes.

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