‘game over’ in Japanese


When you die in a video game or something and it’s ‘game over’ how is that said in Japanese?

I can only find it in katakana and it comes in 2 variations:

1. ゲームーオーバー
2. ゲーム オーバー

Which one would be more correct?

**EDIT: #2 is correct. Thanks everyone!**

  1. The second one is the one that I see on the games that I’ve been playing lately.

  2. Second one.

    First one would be like ‘gemuu over’

    The ム is there to emphasise that it’s ‘m’, adding a vowel extender after it where there is *no* vowel there in ‘game’ would be…weird.

  3. ゲームオーバー is pronunced like ゲームォーバー. Edited: I’m not sure why this is doenvoted.maybe it was confusing for beginners. It is written as ゲームオーバー and pronounced like it, but it can be shortened realistically. We don’t pause after 厶.

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