I am making a list of basic phrases to use when attending a music festival. Could someone please help to check it over and correct any mistakes?

Hi everyone! I am going to a japanese music festival in a few months, and I know there will be a lot of japanese speakers there, so I thought it might be a good opportunity to practice speaking. I only started learning 3 months ago, so I am not very good, but if I have the opportunity to talk to people there then I would love to give it a go.

I tried to translate some basic phrases using some help from google and textbooks, but some of it is still a bit advanced for me. So I was wondering if someone could perhaps help me to check it over and correct any mistakes? Or perhaps, let me know if there is a simpler/more common way of saying something?

Don’t feel like you have to read all of it cos I know it’s a lot lol. I really tried to add as many phrases that I can think of, but you are welcome to add your own if you think there is anything else I should know. I would also love to hear any general tips about cultural etiquette and anything I should know before trying to talk with people. I really appreciate any input you might have. Tysm!

[I apologise, it is all in furigana as I haven’t started learning kanji yet].

1. Where are you from? どちらからですか
2. Did you come all the way from Japan? はるばるにほんからきたの
3. Wow, you came a really long way! おお、ながいみちのりおたびした
4. Are you travelling alone or with friends? ひとりかそれともともだちとたびいますか
5. You are very brave to travel on your own. ひとりでたびするのにとてもゆかんです
6. That sounds like a lot of fun! たのしそうですね
7. Are your friends a fan of X as well? ともだちもXのファンですか
8. How long have you been learning Japanese? どのくらいにほんごをべんきょしていますか
9. I have been learning Japanese for X. Xかんにほんごおべんきょしています
10. I live locally in X. Xはじもとにすんでいます
11. Do you like it here? ここがすきですか
12. How long are you staying here for? いつまでもここにいますか
13. I am going back on X. Xにもどります
14. That’s very good / that’s a shame. それはよいです/それはざんねだです
15. Did you have much time to explore the local area? じもとおたんさくするじかんはありましたか
16. Did you enjoy it? たのしかったですか
17. Did you [see/visit] X? Xを [みま/いき]ましたか
18. I would love to [see/visit] X. Xに[みま/いき]たいです
19. I’m so excited! たのしみです
20. What is your favourite song? すきなうたはなんですか
21. My favourite (song) is X. すきな(うた)はX
22. What other musicians do you like?なにをほかにすきなミュジシャンは
23. Do you know X (band)? X(バンド)はしっていますか
24. I like / dislike X. Xがすきだ / Xがきらいだ
25. X is a great [singer / dancer]. Xはすばらし[かしゅ/ダンサア]です
26. I admire the effort they put in to the performance. かれらがパフォーマンスについやしたどりょ力にけいいおあらわします
27. Have you seen X before? Xをみたことがありますか
28. It is my first time (seeing X). (Xをみるの)はじめたです
29. What did you think of the show? パフォーマンスについてどうおもいました
30. It was amazing. おどろくべきでした
31. Are you going to the after party? にじかいにいきますか
32. There will be a mix of Japanese and English speakers attending. にほんごとえいごのはなすひと
33. It is a five minute walk from here. ここからとほごぶ
34. Do you want to come? きたいですか
35. I don’t drink (alcohol). (おさけ)がのめないです
36. Where is the souvenir stand? おどさんスタンドはどこですか
37. I will show you the way, please follow me. みちおおしえますので、ついてきてください
38. Please wait a moment. ちょっとまってください
39. Do you prefer Japanese or English concerts? にほんかえいごのこんさーとのどちらがすきですか
40. What about you? あなたは

1 comment
  1. People may not be too fond of being used as a free language practice partner when they’re trying to enjoy the music festival. Just saying.

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