SEAs (Sports Exchange Advisors), what are you guys doing?

What exactly do you guys do on a daily basis for work?
I met an SEA at orientation, but he also had absolutely no clue what he would be doing. He said that during his interview, the interviewers also told him that they have no idea what he would be doing once in japan and in his placement.

So what do you guys do for work?

  1. *SPORTS*

    SEA are kinda unicorns. They rarely comment here. If you search there’s a couple of posts, but not many.

    I think they basically do sports with the students then deskwarm when they’re not doing sports… But it’s one of those positions where each one is unique, so who knows. Hopefully you get a few here!

  2. You’re not going to get anyone who knows what they’re talking about here (as you can see). They’re incredibly rare. Think world specialists (olympic level) at their sport.

  3. I know of an SEA who unfortunately got turned into a bit of a glorified ALT. What an SEA ends up doing depends entirely on the CO. It’s more of a wildcard than a CIR.

  4. I knew one SEA from about two decades ago who was a soccer trainer for a prospective J League team and did clinics at schools linked with the CO.

  5. My school had a SEA but he was kind of an embarrassment to JET, he didn’t show up for work most days and the days that he did he sat at his desk and watched Netflix. When kids came up to ask him to play a game or join a sport game, he would say no and show the kids his phone instead. My school wasn’t even a bad one, I had a great time as an ALT and was able to be really involved with teaching and school activities. This guy just sucked. The school never fired him because it’s so hard to. He stopped paying his rent as well at some point and the BOE started paying it for him to save face. This was like only 4 years ago.

  6. There’s one here who is an archery specialist. Western archery, so not Kyudo or anything like that. Shockingly niche sport for a whole job abroad but it gives me hope for ultimate frisbee…

  7. I know there’s a ski coach up in Hokkaido! I met him at my painfully small, mid-year orientation.

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