Unopened expired Furikake from 06/2022 – safe to eat?

As per title, I have some ume flavoured furikake that I found in a cupboard which expired 16/06/2022 so nearly 7 months ago. It’s completely sealed still and it is a best before date, not use by date. Would it still be safe to eat?

  1. probably safe to consume, but since the shelf life has been exceeded you should expect an off flavour. I recommend to simply buy a new package… It does not cost much but you get a save and tastier product in exchange.

  2. Does it pass the smell test? If so does it taste ok? Trust your senses they’re there to help you decide if you need to throw it out

  3. If it’s unopened then it’s absolutely fine. Just try to use it as soon as possible once you do open it up.

  4. It’ll probably be perfectly fine. Expiration dates don’t mean when the food goes bad; it is a very conservative estimate by the manufacturer when the product will start to have a noticeable drop in quality. You will probably freak out by how expired some foodstuff is in my pantry haha. I gotta deal with it.

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