Going to Language School in Tokyo

I’m planning to be studying at a Japanese Language School in Tokyo starting April 2024 for 1 year. I’m currently saving for this and if things go according to plan, I should be able to save around $50,000-$55,000. After paying rent, language school tuition and round trip airfare, I should have roughly $32,400. This number is an estimate based off of the known tuition price for 1 year, average rent for 1 year, and average airfare round trip price.

My goal when I go to Japan is to learn the language and experience the culture. I don’t mind working part time if I’m really desperate for money but I would rather work little hours or none. Would it be feasible to stay in Japan for that long with the money I will be saving? Please be brutally honest, I don’t need things sugarcoated as this is a huge life decision. I also am aware that everyone can have different opinions and different spending habits. I’m just curious if this plan is something that has to be pushed back or if I’m on the right track.

1 comment
  1. I’m going there in a year with around 20k savings after paying for flight and school and was told that would be enough to live moderately comfortably so ur definitely fine with 32k

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