My son and I tried making sushi together for the first time! We learned a lot – we used too much rice, our ingredient portions were too big and we learned our knives are not sharp, lol. But it was fun and it tasted great!

My son and I tried making sushi together for the first time! We learned a lot – we used too much rice, our ingredient portions were too big and we learned our knives are not sharp, lol. But it was fun and it tasted great!

  1. Hosomaki: tuna, imitation crab and avocado

    Uramaki: tuna, avocado inside/lightly battered jumbo prawn outside

  2. Really good job, homemade sushi taste always good even if you make mistakes. The best thing is that it can only improve from now on since you already identified your mistakes. The best thing I did for my sushi was buying (or investing if you wanna see that way hahaha) in a sushi knife and a whetstone for sharpening it

  3. This is incredibly wholesome. Keep at it. You learn another thing not to do every single time you make it. For real. Almost every batch of sushi I’ve ever made has been better than the last.

  4. Looks better than my first stab at it! Keep it up, it gets easier and you’ll learn little tricks that will help out

  5. It looks great! The portions take a few tries to get right. I tried making Nigiri for the first time a few nights ago. It was a fun experiment that I’ll definitely try again! Also, Trader Joe’s sells some decent quality Ahi Tuna in their frozen section.

  6. This is so wholesome, thank you for sharing! This is absolutely adorable and you guys did amazing!

  7. This is so cool! Looks great. Also the smiles on both of your faces are adorable! You’ll cherish this memory for years to come.

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