Na vs no

When I read practice scentences they use na to decribe something and no to show possesion they also use na in other instances (not showing possession though) but thats besides the point. Cant etheir describe and or show possesion and is there any reason to chose one over the other.

1 comment
  1. you should post your practice sentences so we have context as to what you are seeing, that way there is more like a 100% chance someone can help you, vs we have to guess at what you are seeing

    a basic use for な is to link な adjectives to nouns such as 静かな人, 静か is an adjective meaning “quiet” and 人 is a noun meaning person, so this is a “quiet person” and that’s how you link them up

    with nouns you can link them with の so it’s like, 私の財布 is “my wallet”, because 私 means “me” and 財布 means “wallet” so 私の財布 is how you can link them up

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