Reading and Markup Resources

Hi, I am a beginner in Japanese, and only can read Hiragana and Katakana and know how some of the particles work. One of my favorite things to do when learning languages I already am learning like German and French is marking up texts on paper. I was looking to find some very basic Japanese texts that could help me learn Kanji in a very natural contextual way. Does anybody know of good pdfs I could print out and mark up that would be good for beginners? I’m looking for a basic document with regular conversations or themes, like in the same category of children’s books, but maybe with less pictures so printing it out isn’t such a hassle? Would be over the moon if anybody has or knows of any good (hopefully free!) online resources along these lines.

  1. A lot of very simple reading resources aimed at beginners are indeed full of pictures to help following the plot. One exception are the graded readers by Sakura Tadoku Lab:

    You will need to create an account but all stories are completely free, written in simple language and provide furigana, so you know how to read each kanji. They work with a lot of repetition, so if a sentence seems difficult, I recommend to just continue reading as it usually becomes clear through context.

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