Mock Lesson for Education Majors

Hello everyone!

This was my first time applying and I got an interview!

I’m an education major in my final semester of student teaching.

Since I have student teaching experience (and my degree will be in education) should I expect to do a mock lesson? Would you recommend rehearsing one or improvising on the spot?

Thank you!

  1. It depends on your consulate and/or they feel it’s necessary. If I was an interviewer, I wouldn’t be as concerned with an education major being able to demonstrate teaching ability, I’d just expect it and focus on spending my time asking other questions.

    I was an education grad and didn’t need to do a demo lesson, but I don’t know if anyone who interviewed in Portland did demo lessons (in 2015 at least).

  2. After Jet, do you plan on teaching in an elementary school or not really? I’m a HS senior and Im thinking I wanna teach elementary but after I graduate college imma apply for JET 🙂

  3. From what I’ve heard (and in my own interview), the interviewers just give you a random topic, so rehearsing one won’t really help you. My mock lesson was truly, truly cringe worthy, but I think they were just looking for how I would handle being put on the spot. As long as you go in prepared for the possibility and don’t freeze up completely, you should be fine.

    Good luck!!

  4. i wasn’t an education major but i did have previous teaching experience going into my interview and the most “most lesson” like part of my interview just had me introduce myself to my 3 interviewers while they pretended to be high school-aged students.

    i’m sure it really all depends on the interviewers, though! that little portion of my interview only took about a minute max 👍🏽 hope this helps!

  5. I was in the same situation as you!

    I was finishing up my Master’s in Education and my last semester of student teaching during the time of my interview.

    It was my first time applying as well! Since I had experience in the classroom, they didn’t ask me to do a mock lesson, but they did ask me this question:

    “We see that you have teaching experience and are getting your Master’s in Education. JETs are ALTs who should act as assistants in the classroom. How will you feel about not being the main teacher in the classroom? Is that okay?”

    I answered “While I do have experience teaching, it will be my first time teaching English in Japan and I realize that I will be a guest in other teachers’ classrooms. I will be honored to be able to participate in their classroom, help them out in any way they see fit, and learn from them as well! I’m hoping my experience in the classroom will make me a useful assistant to the JTEs and I’m excited to learn from them!”

    They seemed to like that answer as I am currently an ALT! Though, at my school I have become the T1 in my classes😅 Which again, ESID! That’s JETs motto, and it is soooo true.

    So don’t stress yourself out! If you end up doing one, I think with your experience you can probably just improvise on the spot!

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