WHV for Australian: Confusion over age requirement

Just wondering if there are any Australians (or Canadians and Koreans) who got a working holiday visa over the age of 25? The Australia Japaense embassy website says up to 30 years old, but the Japanese MOFA site says “should be 18 to 25” for Australians, Cadanians and Koreans so I am a little confused and want to make sure I have it right as I’ll be applying at 27.

The Australian Embassay seemed unaware of the 25 year old suggestion, but just wanted to check with Australians who have gotten the visa themselves!

Australian Japan consulate site: https://www.sydney.au.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/visa_working_holiday.html

Japan MOFA site: https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/w_holiday/index.html

(Apologies for any formatting errors – it’s my first reddit post and posting from mobile)

  1. >As for Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea and Ireland, an applicant should be between 18 and 25 years of age except in those cases where the competent authorities of Japan agree to extend the limitation of age to 30 years.

    I couldn’t tell you the history of why that’s there. It probably has something to do with the immigration rules of the partner country at the time the agreement was signed. I’m sure you’ll be fine.

  2. I was actually looking into this as well (Canadian here). I had asked a few questions on reddit and some mod on a different sub told me that for Canadian’s the age cut off if 25, but I could only a few websites to back that up. So I just decided to go off the information on the [Embassy of Japan in Canada website](https://www.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/working_holiday_visa.html). I’m thinking that maybe some of the information stating 18-25 may just be old. But I have seen a few Canadian’s on youtube who were over 25 an under 30 who were able to get a whv.

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