If you’ve been placed in Meguro-Ku or Visited Before What is it like?

Just found out this is where I’ll be. I requested urban places I googled at random but stressed I’d be fine anywhere with good public transportation because I never learned to drive (or ride a bike haha) and my only concerns when choosing was being able to get to work with no problems. Totally surprised I landed with this place and it sounds cool but everything about being here is going to be new to me. Advice and stuff appreciated too.

  1. Meguro’s cool, IIRC it has an actual Ethiopian restaurant, the only one I’ve been to in Japan.

  2. Save all the money you can, because you’re in one of the most expensive parts of the whole country. You may find yourself with less disposable income than other JETs – but your local peers will be in the same boat so it’s probably not a big deal. It doesn’t get very much more “urban” than this, though, and if the big city life is what you’re looking for in Japan then you’ve basically hit the jackpot!

  3. I live in meguro.

    It smells like Tokyo. You’ll understand when you get here.

    Learn to ride a bike. I cannot imagine living in downtown Tokyo without a bike. Car is not recommended as the parking fees here are BONKERS (Sometimes more than rent). Seriously, bike. A used crappy mamachari will save you so much money. Walking will get old very, very, very, very, very quickly.

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