Advice for a routine?


I’m working on my study routine, which derailed recently. I tend to study in the mornings before work, but can also find time in the evenings, probably 30 minutes for each. I’ve studied for about two months now and I’m still a super beginner. I’ve got the hiragana down and know some basic phrases.

I was wondering the best use of my time. I have a loose goal to learn as much Japanese I can in a year.

My study tools I have available to me are the Japanese From Zero! books, Pimsluer, Anki and also the Comprehensible Japanese Youtube channel. I’m sure there is a weekly conversation club at a nearby college, which I’m trying to get info on.

How would you go about this?

  1. Nobody knows the one true answer. Just try different things and see what you like and can tolerate.

  2. Everyone has their own workflow, pace and study method. You should work and see what works for you.

    The important part is you do something. Anything is better that nothing and stay concistent.

    I do Wanikani in the morning, if i have some time during lunch and when i get home from work (takes ~20 min at most per “session”) and i listen to Curedolly when i can/have the motivation.

    And this works for me atm. I am sure i will change it up later but this is what i like to do and what works for me.

    Good luck and keep at it 🙂 You can do it!

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