Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 05, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I used to be able to switch between English characters and hiragana in the Japanese IME using the CAPS key, but it recently stopped working. I poked around in the IME settings a bit but couldn’t fix it. Any idea how to get it back to how it was?

  2. I sometimes use songs to try and learn a little bit more of japanese and I got curious about this line from “Magnet”:

    私の蝶不規則に飛び回り (My butterfly flapped about aimlessly,)

    私の蝶 means “my butterfly”, but I can’t understand the rest of it.

  3. >のりや粘着テープを使うことがあります。

    What i understand from this is something like:

    >You can use glue and adhesive tape.

    What does the ~ことがある do/mean in these type of sentences?

    I’ve found online this construction can mean “ocassionally” or “sometimes X happens” but they don’t seem to fit here. It pops up on pretty much every single hinative answer i come across though.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Question about particle に


    This is cooking instructions to cut shrimp in half longways. So I read the sentence basically “Lengthwise half に cut” or more naturally “Cut in half lengthwise”

    How do I interpret に for this? So far I know it like in/on/at/for but more in terms of destination or time in a physical or temporal sense. “I live in Japan” or “I ate at noon”. Is it correct to think of this as also being used for “arriving” at a state? Basically “Cut in order to arrive at the state of lengthwise halves”? Or is there another separate grammar point this sentence is using?

  5. Listening is proving really tough because I cannot “hear in Kanji” and my reliance on Kanji in reading is strong and I know probably 3000 Kanji or so. Despite listening at full speed, I wonder if I should put podcasts/etc at 3/4ths speed to better train myself on more difficult conversations. All the generic greetings, pleasantries, etc. is easy to understand for me, but conversations have a tendency to go from near complete understanding to about 10% real quick for me. It is difficult for me to recover without a pause. Should I try slowing things down or should I just keep natural pace even though I cannot really catch it all? What is better for advancing quickly – I got 2 weeks left before a meeting, it will be my first in-person Japanese conversation.

  6. **「でもメイドさんである事に変わりはないからな…確保確保と」**

    **A character is playing a gacha game, he had failed to get a 5 star character from the event gacha pool. Hope someone can explain to me the correct meaning of his monologue here.**
    **( i can ony guess but not sure what he meant : “But i guess since she’s still a maid character… I’ll not dump/delete her” ?)**

    More context:
    「だー! また★1かよっ! 最近ガチャ運悪いなぁ」
    俺はお気に入りのソシャゲ、『もっと! イッ乳(パイ)! 炎のおっぱい異世界魔法学園』をプレイしていた。



  7. Which particle should I use if I want to say “taking photos of”?
    “Mary is taking photos of flowers.” Is the sentence I’m trying to to write.
    I don’t know how to say “taking photos of”
    I know 写真を撮る is to take a photo.
    I think it could be メアリーさんな花の写真を撮っています。
    Thanks for the help

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